Wyong High School was established in 1947. It is located in picturesque grounds beside Wyong River and has a strong focus on student welfare programs, emphasising development of student leadership. Selected classes operate for talented ICT students, with enrolment on merit by examination.
Facilities: Library, multi-purpose centre, drama shack, sporting fields, specialist rooms for practical subjects, photographic darkroom, video equipment, farm and environmental monitoring facilities, information and communication technology centre.
Electives Years 7 to 10: Mandatory technology (formerly Design and Technology), Agriculture, Computing Studies, Music, Textiles and Design, Visual Arts, Pottery, Photography, Wood Technics, Metal Technics, Electronics, Graphic Design, Commerce, Civics and Citizenship, History, Geography, Drama, Japanese, Human Movement, Dance.
Electives Years 11 and 12: All levels of English and Mathematics, Ancient History, Modern History, Business Studies, Computing Studies, Society and Culture, Economics, Engineering Science, Food Technology, Business Studies, Business Services Administration, Geography, Industrial Technology, Legal Studies, Society and Culture, Aboriginal Studies, Agriculture, General Studies, Pottery and Ceramics, Printing, Japanese, Mass Media, Music, PD/Health/PE, Visual Arts, Photography Video and Digital Imaging, Hospitality, Retail Skills, Marine Studies, Construction and Sports Coaching courses are also offered in conjunction with local TAFE colleges, other Vocational Education (VET) and Training (VocEd) courses.
Sport: Wyong High has produced strong sporting teams over the past few years, and many sports are offered.
Extracurricular activities: Drama group, debating, Mock Trial, Young Achievers’ Award Scheme, leadership camps, chess teams, dance, school radio, public speaking, Young Leaders’ Club and Leo’s Club.
Welfare and personal development: There is an active school council, a P&C Association and SRC. Strong links have been established with the general community. The school has a special education unit to assist students with learning difficulties. Wyong High encourages the growth of personal responsibility and operates a graded system of sanctions for infringements of the school’s clear behaviour code. A Christian Worker in Schools Program is offered in conjunction with the local combined churches, providing both special religious and values education.
Special features: Wyong High hosts exchange students from a number of different countries and enjoys strong links with two Japanese sister schools.
Famous ex-students: Steve Bisley (actor, film director), Prof Andrew McMinn (director of Antarctic Studies, Tasmania), Lady Michelle Renouf (academic, film producer, model, ballerina), Mark Skaife (V8 motor racing champion), Joshua Horner (dancer — Australian Ballet), Les Murray (HSC poet, AOA), David Kilby (ABC broadcaster, Canberra).
School Information

- Type: Government
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: -
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: approximately 800 students.
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:53 alison road, wyong 2259
- Phone:02 4353 1088
- Fax:fax 02 4351 2591