Established in 1903, this day school for boys caters for students from Years 5 to 12, and
is a member of Edmund Rice Education Australia, consisting of 48 leading Catholic schools around Australia.
Facilities: Information Resource Centre, science and specialist areas, large gymnasium, tennis courts, cricket nets, 50-metre swimming pool and a Performing Arts Centre to cater for all aspects of music and drama. A second campus at Waterford, approximately 300 metres from the Senior Campus, houses a Junior School, a theatre, preschool and other facilities. Playing fields are located a few minutes’ walk from the college.
Electives: The college has a broad curriculum and offers more than 40 subjects at HSC level. Spanish is available with external study supported for other languages. The Learning Support Centre (LSC), encompassing learning support and learning enrichment, is designed to address student needs and extend boys using an integrated approach to learning. Extension options include acceleration and participation in specialised programs such as Critical Thinking (all students in Years 7 and 8) and Da Vinci Decathlon. The Performing Arts Centre supports the growing numbers of students electing to study Music and Drama, and private tuition is available for a wide range of instruments as well as voice and music theory. Performance opportunities include regular musicals, drama productions and musical performances. The college gymnasium supports the extensive Physical Development and Health Education Program. In addition to a strong, focused HSC pathway, an excellent range of non-ATAR and Vocational Education and Training courses are offered in Stage 6. In partnership with parents, Waverley College is committed to liberating the potential of all learners.
Sport: Waverley College is a member of CAS, CIS and IPSHA and participates successfully in all combined sporting and cultural activities. The Waverley College Cadet Unit has provided leadership training for students in Years 8 to 12 for more than 100 years.
Extra-curricular activities: Individual tuition in all brass, string, woodwind and percussion instruments, voice, music theory, several musical ensembles and orchestras, drama, public speaking, debating, chess, Media Club, social justice groups
School Information

- Type: Independent
Coeducational or single-sex:
Single-sex, Boys
- Faith-based: Catholic
- Year: Year 5 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 1400 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre: N/A
- After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
- Fees:
- Address:131 Birrell Street, Waverley 2024
- Email:enrolmentofficer@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Phone:02 9369 0600
- Fax:02 9389 1274
- HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Please visit the website