The Scots School Albury was formed in 1972 from the amalgamation of Albury Grammar and Woodstock Presbyterian Girls’ School. It caters for students from kindergarten to Year 12. The school provides a challenging, comprehensive education structured around the development of the basic skills, and takes pride in its academic achievements. An extensive extracurricular program offering students opportunities to explore and acquire new skills and accomplishments, as well as develop self-confidence and self-esteem, complements the essential curriculum.
Facilities: The school has two ovals, all-weather playing surfaces for hockey, tennis and netball, tennis courts, a swimming pool, a modern information and technology centre, which houses the library and modern computer laboratories, and a chapel/hall, which provides up-to-date facilities for the staging of drama and music productions. The cultural centre provides a focus for the teaching of music and languages. The Science Discovery centre caters for all the demands of the current science courses. The newly opened sports centre has two full size basketball courts as well as up-to-date training facilities.
Electives Years 9 and 10: In addition to the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography and PD/Health/PE, Agriculture, Commerce, Information and Software Technology, Industrial Technology, Physical Activity and Sports Studies, Design and Technology, Food Technology, French, Japanese, Music, Drama, Technics, and Visual Arts are offered.
Electives Years 11 and 12: Agriculture, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Design and Technology, Earth and Environmental Science, Economics, Advanced English, Standard English, English Extension 1, English Extension 2, Hospitality, French Continuers, Geography, Ancient History, Modern History, Information Processes and Technology, Japanese Continuers, Legal Studies, General Mathematics, 2-, 3- and 4-Unit Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2, Music, PD/Health/PE, Physics, Metal and Engineering, Hospitality Visual Arts, Software Design and Development, Drama, History Extension, Music Extension, French Extension, Japanese Extension and VET courses.
Sport: Athletics, Australian Rules, touch football, badminton, basketball, canoeing, cricket, cross-country running, hockey, netball, orienteering, snow skiing, softball, swimming, and tennis.
Extracurricular activities: Annual musical productions are enthusiastically supported. Students can also participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, drama, public speaking, Mock Trial, debating, creative writing, pipe band, orchestra, other instrumental ensembles, senior or junior choirs, and various choral groups.
Welfare and personal development: The school’s welfare network is led by the school chaplain together with tutors, year co-ordinators and the peer support program. Work experience and careers guidance are incorporated into the curriculum and all students are encouraged to be involved in community service.
Special features: Scholarships for both academic and music excellence are offered. Some bursaries are available to students fitting the isolated student criteria. Talent and enrichment programs are part of, as well as an adjunct to, the normal curriculum. The resources of two universities situated in the area and local industry are available for this program. A remediation program is also available to all students within the school. Flexible Boarding and Day Boarding also available.
School Information
- Type: Independent
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: Uniting Church
- Year: Kindergarten - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day and Boarding
- Enrolment: 675 students, including 90 boarders
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: please consult the school or
- Address:Private Mail Bag 6006, AMDC, Albury 2640
- Phone:61 2 6022 0000
- Fax:61 2 6041 3210