Sydney Schools
The school opened in 1981 as a comprehensive community school and continues a tradition of providing equity of access to […]
Enrolment: 475 students
Free (Government School)
Day School Government61–65 Jacaranda Avenue, Bradbury 2560
Sydney Schools
The school opened in 1979 and began by using the Accelerated Education (ACE) program for Kindergarten to Year 12. This […]
Enrolment: 120 students
Fees: on application
Day School Independent52 Australis Avenue, Wattle Grove 2173 PO Box 747, Moorebank 1875
Sydney Schools
The aim of this school is to provide an Orthodox Christian atmosphere for the achievement of the highest possible educational […]
Enrolment: 622 students, kindergarten to year 12
Fees: contact the school for details or refer to website
Day School Independent163 Kurrajong Road, Prestons 2170
Sydney Schools
Sule College, established in 1996, currently caters for students in Kindergarten to Year 12. It is also further sectioned into […]
Enrolment: 823 students
Day School IndependentCnr Woodhouse Drive and Jaggers Place, Ambarvale 2560
Sydney Schools
Thomas Reddall High School is situated on a small site with modern permanent buildings and 17 demountable classrooms. The school […]
Free (Government School)
Day School GovernmentSydney Schools
The school provides a quality education to southwest Sydney from Prep (the year before school) to Year 12. WCCS is […]
Enrolment: 1480 students prep to year 12 (690 high school students)
4k - 8k
Fees: annual tuition fee per family $6,240. facility development levy per student $300. trust fund rate per family $340. enrolment bond $750, plus $250 per each additional child (paid once only). senior students’ fee (years 11 and 12) $600 extra per student, high school service fee $800.
Day School IndependentBroadarrow Road, Beverly Hills 2209
Sydney Schools
Established in 1960, Beverly Hills Girls High provides a broad-based education to encourage achievement in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits. […]
Enrolment: approximately 1000 students
Free (Government School)
Day School Government270A Woniora Road, Blakehurst 2221
Sydney Schools
Blakehurst High School, established in 1960, was award the title Specialist Languages High School as part of the Outstanding Schools […]
Enrolment: 1130 students
Free (Government School)
Day School GovernmentWillarong Road, Caringbah 2229
Sydney Schools
Caringbah High is a selective and co-educational high school aiming to provide quality education in a caring and secure environment. […]
Enrolment: around 900 students
Free (Government School)
Day School Government Selective