5A Glenroy Avenue, Middle Cove 2068
North Schools
This co-educational school, founded in 1957, takes students from preschool to Year 12 on three campuses. In addition, parent/child groups […]
Enrolment: 500 students from preschool to year 12
Less than 4k
Fees: preschool $75/day core program, $85/day extended day and holiday program, kindergarten to year 2 $10,284, years 3 to 6 $10, 901, years 7 to 10 $13,760, year 11 and 12 $15,906. full fee-paying overseas students $21,000 approx. family discounts are available for resident students.
Day School Independent33 Myoora Road, Terrey Hills NSW 2084
North Schools
The German International School Sydney provides its students with a complete education experience in a co-educational and bi-lingual environment. Its […]
Enrolment: 370 students
4k - 8k
8k - 12k
Day School IndependentNorth Schools
Request a free school tour on DVD from the website. Explore the extensive blog site and arrange a tour to take […]
Enrolment: 800 students
Less than 4k
Fees: transition $3,550 to $5,325, k to 12 $6,000 to $8,980. there are generous family discounts
Day School Independent7 Woodville Ave, Wahroonga 2076
North Schools
Knox seeks to be an exemplary school developing, within a caring Christian environment, young men of integrity, faith, wisdom and […]
Enrolment: 2000 students. intake for years kindergarten, 3, 5 and 7; other years as vacancies occur.
Fees: tuition $14,340 kindergarten to $23,430 in year 12. additional annual boarding fee of $21,650 per annum plus gst. these fees are for 2011.
Day and Boarding IndependentNorth Schools
Brigidine College St Ives commits itself to education that is centred on the Gospel and is faithful to the Catholic community […]
Enrolment: 900 students
8k - 12k
Fees: tuition fee for 2011 is $10,674 (flat fee years 7-12). a sister’s discount applies. building maintenance and miscellaneous fees apply
Day School IndependentTasman Rd, Avalon Beach NSW 2107
North Schools
Barrenjoey is a community comprehensive high school with an exceptional geographic position. As an integral part of a cosmopolitan, artistic and creative community, […]
Enrolment: 760 students
Free (Government School)
Day School Government27 Maretimo St, Balgowlah NSW 2093
North Schools
Founded in 1954, Balgowlah Boys Campus offers comprehensive secondary education for boys which emphasises achievement in a challenging, co-operative and caring environment. […]
Enrolment: 540 students
Free (Government School)
Day School Government