St Margaret’s School and Berwick Grammar School is an independent and non-denominational school located on picturesque grounds in Berwick and Officer. The school provides for the whole family through a co-educational Pre-Prep to Year 4 program and single gender schools for boys and girls from Years 5 to 12. Established in 1926, the school has a reputation for educational excellence, leadership and innovation.
Facilities: St Margaret’s Junior School and the Senior Girls School are set in a heritage-listed English-style site in Gloucester Avenue, Berwick. Berwick Grammar School is located in a peaceful bush setting in nearby Officer. School bus services operate between schools, providing a one-stop drop for families. The multiple sites provide specialist computing services, art studios for ceramics, painting, textiles, printmaking and photography, tennis courts, a High Performance Centre, multiple sporting ovals, a performing arts centre, a grassed 400-metre athletics track and modern science laboratories. Additionally there are state-of-the-art food technology facilities and an excellent 750-seat auditorium while three different libraries cater for the different developmental stages and gender of the learner.
Curriculum: Through a philosophy of Precise and Personalised Learning, St Margaret’s School and Berwick Grammar School provides a well rounded education for the whole child while ensuring a strong focus on academic excellence prevails. Excellence can also be found in the Performing Arts, Sporting and Digital Learning arena. St Margaret’s School and Berwick Grammar School is an International Baccalaureate World School, offering the Primary Years Program of the International Baccalaureate Organisation from Prep to Year 6. VCE subjects offered include the traditional core subjects along with specialist studies, LOTE (French and Chinese), university extension and VET programs. Excellent VCE and tertiary results are realised annually, enabling the majority of students to achieve either their first or second university preference.
Sport: Sporting activities include cycling, athletics, equestrian, cricket, swimming, diving, football, hockey, netball, basketball, tennis, volleyball, dance and softball. Students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for extensive involvement in sporting activities.
Extra-curricular activities: Students are provided with a wealth of opportunity through involvement in the school’s orchestra and ensembles, choirs, debating, public speaking, musicals and drama productions, outdoor education, human-powered vehicles (HPV), cycling as well as many community social activities. St Margaret’s School and Berwick Grammar School cater for international students and international student exchanges. The school also offers the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, membership of environmental groups, peer mediation and many leadership activities.
Student welfare programs: The nurturing of each student’s social and emotional wellbeing is paramount and therefore careful attention is paid to the development of every student through a strong pastoral care program. This is partnered with the identification of individual learning styles. The school offers an enrichment program, which includes the gifted and talented program, personal development programs and careers counselling.
School Information

- Type: Independent
Coeducational or single-sex:
co-ed pre-prep to year 4; girls years 5 to 12
- Faith-based: Non - denominational
- Year: Year 1 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 945 across three schools. each learning environment is kept to a small and optimum level of enrolment to ensure the precise and personal learning philosophy is fully supported.
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre: Own Preschool
- After School Care/ OOSH Options: Affiliated After School Care
- Fees: 12k - 16k from $12,300 for pre-prep to $18,904 for year 12 per annum
- Address:27–47 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 3806
- Phone:03 9703 8111
- Fax:03 9703 8121
- HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Please contact the school
- Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:school’s orchestra and ensembles, choirs, debating, public speaking, musicals and drama productions, outdoor education, human-powered vehicles (HPV), cycling as well as many community social activities.