Springfield Central State High is an Independent Public School with students from Years 7 to 12. In its short history the school has built a strong reputation for providing disciplined learning environments with a focus on academic success. The school has based its strong, positive and vibrant culture around four core values; Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Relationships.
The school has established strong academic and cultural programs which continue to flourish each year.
Springfield High unashamedly sets its sights on being the first choice high school in the local area as well as being regarded as one of the best high schools in the state. This goal is only achieved through an unrelenting focus on striving for, attaining and celebrating excellence at all levels.
Facilities: 30 state-of-the-art classrooms with an interactive data projector in each teaching space, eight modern science laboratories with high-tech document cameras for enhanced teaching and learning opportunities, two excellent student kitchen and catering facilities, three junior Industrial Technology & Design (ITD) workshops which focus on wood, metal and plastics, senior engineering workshop, senior construction workshop, five dedicated computer laboratories, two music rooms with a focus on keyboards and guitar, Instrumental Music (IM) room – with regular lessons and band rehearsals, two IM practice rooms, dance studio, four modern visual art rooms, including a courtyard and kiln area, robotics laboratory, 225-seat tiered lecture theatre with state-of-the-art audio visual (AV) equipment, library space with computer access for students, school oval with a 400m running track and sporting fields, targeted learning centre, multiple shaded lunch areas, canteen serving healthy and affordable food, more than 120 laptops on trolleys for use during class time, connected to a wireless network.
Subjects/Electives Years 7 to 10: Year 7 Core subjects – English, History (Studies of Society and the Environment), Mathematics, Science, Japanese (Languages Other Than English), and Health and Physical Education (HPE). Additionally, Year 7 classes will rotate through a range of subjects across the Arts and Technology: Art, Music, Computing (ICT) and Robotics.
Year 8 – students rotate through a wider range of additional subjects, which may be selected as future electives in year 9. Each of these subjects is studied for a term throughout the year: Art, Drama, Music, Home Economics, ICT and Industrial Technology and Design (ITD).
Year 9 – In addition to the elective curriculum, students continue their year-long study of English, Mathematics and Science, and a semester-study of HPE and History (SOSE).
Year 10 – Students select from a large range of elective subjects from the Arts, SOSE, Technology and LOTE faculties, each of which are studied for the whole year. Electives include Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Legal Studies, Business, Graphics, Home Economics, ICT, Introduction to Trade, and Japanese.
Year 10 students continue with studies of English, Mathematics, Science, History (SOSE), HPE, YLP and PUP, as per the junior secondary curriculum.
Subjects/Electives Years 11 and 12: Curriculum for Years 11 and 12 offers greater specialisation and variety for our students. There are a range of subjects both in the tertiary and the training pathways.
Sport: Students at Springfield Central have the opportunity to represent the school in various sporting teams. Interschool Sport is played on Tuesday afternoons (after school) against schools from the Yagera District. Sports are split into two seasons, summer and winter, and cater for the wide variety of students.
Extracurricular activities: Music Program, ensembles, clubs and special-interest groups.
Special features: Magna (academic excellence) program, specifically designed to support and foster the development of high achieving students.
School Information
- Type: Government
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: Year 7 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:90 Parkland Drive, Springfield Central Qld 4300
- Email:admin@springfieldcentralshs.eq.edu.au
- Phone:07 3470 6222
- Fax:07 3470 0106