Sophia Mundi is part of a worldwide movement of education begun by Rudolf Steiner in 1919. A Steiner education prepares students to meet the challenges of the rapidly changing and turbulent world of the 21st century. A fundamental value underpinning the curriculum design is that it is not enough to just instil knowledge and skills. Rather, teachers must awaken in students the capabilities that they will need to “learn how to learn” from their experiences, so that they can gain new understanding throughout their lives; capacities for sound judgement, critical thinking and an abiding interest in the world around them. This process also encourages students to gain an awareness of themselves and others, out of which can arise sound moral judgement and the ideals that can give their lives meaning and purpose. Sophia Mundi opened in 1985 as an independent inner-city school. The school fosters a culturally rich and loving community, firstly in each classroom, then encompassing the school and ultimately reaching out into the broader community.
Facilities: The school is an inner-city
Curriculum: Key subjects are taught in concentrated progressive three-week blocks (main lessons) so that the subject matter can be fully enjoyed, consolidated and digested. Drama, Art, Craft and Music are an integral part of the curriculum. Every child from Class 3 onwards learns a string instrument and participates in ensembles. In the
Sport: A good variety of ball sports, swimming and athletics is available. Outdoor Education includes many varied camps.
Extra-curricular activities: Extensive camping program, after-school sport, work experience, community service, ensemble groups, choir and drama.
Student welfare programs: In the primary school, the class teacher/carer stays with the child and the class for the primary school years. The school pastoral care program ensures that students receive individual care and attention to their learning program. The school also employs a chaplain and student welfare officer.
School Information

- Type: Independent
Coeducational or single-sex:
- Faith-based: None
- Year: Year 1 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 250 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered: IBDP
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre: Own Preschool
- After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
- Fees: 8k - 12k $8692 to $12,732 (orchestra, camps, sport and materials)
- Address:St Mary’s Campus, 1 St Heliers Street, Abbotsford 3067
- Phone:03 9419 9229
- Fax:03 9419 0835