From humble beginnings in 1977 with a vision to partner parents in the Christian education of their children, Shire Christian School has grown to become a renowned provider of outstanding Christian education, with over 880 students.
The school logo uses the words a firm foundation to indicate that the Bible thoroughly equips for every good work. The firm foundation the school is seeking to establish for each child also involves helping them to develop core knowledge and skills that will be a foundation for future learning.
To achieve these objectives, Shire Christian School offers extension opportunities and learning support programs for students with particular needs and invests greatly in the training and development of its teachers.
Students learn, achieve and thrive when they feel emotionally safe and supported at school. Shire Christian is known for how well it cares for its students and the school’s pastoral care program helps every child to learn to the best of their ability and feel loved and valued.
Junior School: Shire Christian has a vibrant Junior School (Prep to Year 6).
Secondary School: The school offers a wide choice of elective subjects in the Secondary School so that students can explore their areas of interest and achieve to the best of their ability in the HSC.
Sport: Shire Christian has a comprehensive sports program and seeks to offer students the best facilities and coaches available in the Sutherland Shire for the Friday sports program. A wide variety of gala days, including lesser known opportunities like horse riding, surfing competitions, golf and tennis competitions, occur across the year. The school offers an extensive gala day program and is part of the Christian Schools Sports Association (CSSA) and the Combined Independent Schools Sports Council (CIS), which provides talented students with a pathway through to national competition.
Welfare and personal development: Students are allocated to a gender-based Pastoral Care class in Year 7 and for the most part stay with this group of students and their Pastoral Care teacher for their journey through Secondary School. This means students are known well and supported by one teacher. Students meet with their pastoral care class and teacher on a daily basis. The pastoral care program provides students with an opportunity to develop an understanding of how the gospel applies to their daily lives, helping them to understand what it means to live well in God’s world. The program also includes camping experiences for students. The school has two psychologists and offers many other opportunities for personal development, mentorship and leadership.
Co-curricular activities: Debating, chess, mock trial, theatre sports, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, 10 different music ensembles, global awareness program, individual music lessons, peripatetic speech and drama, dance lessons, speech therapy, occupational therapy, CRU group.
Facilities: Synthetic futsal court, outdoor basketball, netball and volleyball courts, soccer field, tennis courts, cricket pitch and nets, large grass spaces, bush play area, architecturally designed infants and prep playground, newly renovated multipurpose hall with basketball and performing arts capabilities including retractable tired seating, Tiered Learning Centre, Information Resources Centre, large 4K interactive touch boards, connection to AARNet and gigabit internet, school managed student device program, newly renovated art rooms, 3D printer, laser cutter, two libraries, music rooms and studios, all classrooms airconditioned.
Principal: Mr David Stonestreet
School Information
- Type: Independent
Coeducational or single-sex:
- Faith-based: Christian
- Year: Kindergarten - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 880 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: Yes
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: Yes
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre: Own Preschool
- After School Care/ OOSH Options: Affiliated After School Care
- Fees: $7156 (kindergarten) to $8600 (year 12). Sibling discounts available
- Address:16A Allies Road, Barden Ridge 2234
- Phone:8525 5111
- HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Shire Christian School offers an extensive range of HSC subjects.
- Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:Debating, chess, mock trial, theatre sports, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, 10 different music ensembles, global awareness program, individual music lessons, peripatetic speech and drama, dance lessons, speech therapy, occupational therapy, CRU group.
- Special Needs Support:Yes