The school has a clear aim and that is to see students successfully placed in higher education, training, employment, community and service.
Salisbury High School is an outstanding place for your child to achieve a quality education.
All students at Salisbury High School aspire to achieve their SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) to continue further study through either attending University or TAFE
Facilities: Digital Media students have access to 3 iMac suites for desktop publishing, video editing, flash animation and DVD production; Music incorporates a specialist iMac suite with electronic keyboards; Multimedia; Student Counsellor support; Café; Care Room.
Electives Years 7 to 10: International Baccalaureate Schools certificate, Arts, Individuals and Society, Health and Physical Education, Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, (ESL, Italian or Chinese), Mathematics, Sciences and Design.
Electives Years 11 and 12: Vocational Pathway and Course Options Advanced Manufacturing · Certificate I Automotive · Certificate II Automotive; Certificate II Electrotechnology; Certificate II Engineering Community and Service; Directions in Hairdressing & Beauty; Certificate II Hairdressing; Certificate II Retail Make-up and Skincare a. Certificate III Beauty Services; Certificate III Hairdressing(Partial); Certificate III Hospitality (Food and Beverage); Certificate III Community Services; Certificate III Aged Care; Certificate III Disability; Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care Building and Construction; Certificate I Construction (Doorways 2 Construction); Certificate III Construction (Doorways to Construction+)(Partial);Certificate III Brick & Block laying (Doorways to Construction+)(Partial); Certificate III Roof Plumbing(Partial) Business and ICT; Certificate II Information Technology; Certificate III Information Technology; Certificate III Media (1 year course)
Sport: Northern Zone weekly sport matches; Carnivals,Ten Pin Bowling, Rock Climbing, Girls’ Football, Basketball, Netball and Super 8s Cricket.
Extracurricular activities: Dance, School Musical, City Bound Discovery Program, Arts exhibitions, Excursions and camps, Maths Club, Involvement in Community projects, TED Club, The Tinker Team, Harmony Day, Wellbeing Day, World Vision – 40 Hour Famine.
Welfare and personal development: Management system, Career Counselling.
Special features: Flexible Learning Options (FLO), Positive Behaviour for learning incentive scheme for Years 8 to 10 (Vivos); Youth Opportunities – a personal planning course.