Facilities: Include a full wireless network supporting all students to own and operate a Macbook computer, multimedia room, learning resource centre, dance studio, art studios and gallery, darkroom, science laboratories, textiles rooms, chapel with pipe organ, a performing arts centre incorporating a drama studio, music rehearsal rooms and a music laboratory, hospitality centre with two kitchens, industrial kitchen, demonstration and dining areas, careers centre, gymnasium, extensive sporting facilities and a physical education centre with weights room and abseiling wall. A central canteen services the school.
Curriculum: The college runs the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years program. Students study Religious Education, Mathematics, Language (French, Italian or Japanese), Humanities, English, Science, Performing and Visual Arts, Technology and Physical Education. In the Middle School (Years 9 to 10), semester units allow students to sample from a much wider range of units. The school offers 45 subjects for VCE, VET courses and VCAL, with some co-instruction with St Joseph’s College, a neighbouring boys’ school. Sport: The sports program emphasises participation, enjoyment and a range of experiences. Twenty popular team sports are offered. Extra-curricular activities: Dance, orchestra, musical instrument tuition, choirs and ensembles, debating, public speaking, dramatic and musical productions, performing arts festival, programs for gifted students, writers’ festival, arts camp, and LOTE tours to France, Italy and Japan.
Student welfare programs: There are three part-time student counsellors, a social worker, an educational psychologist, a pastoral care program, a Student Representative Council, and a class and house leader system. Year 7 transition is supported with an extensive orientation program and a foster sister program.