Rosewood State High School is part of a school community which places great value on the support and nurturing of young people in a school setting. Students are actively encouraged to rise to the challenges in their schooling and in life in general by being the most prepared and committed to success that they can possibly be. The school upholds the individual as unique and promotes the development of each student according to the most appropriate pathway of study and school experiences to suit their needs and goals in life. Students are given extensive opportunities to make choices and to experience learning within a supported and caring environment.
The school encourages the involvement of the broader community of businesses and service organisations to be in strong partnership with teachers in the provision of learning experiences to students and to develop the citizenship, relationship building and communication skills necessary for lifelong learning and success. The school is a Beacon school with a strong commitment to students valuing education and the completion of schooling in order to achieve the greatest success possible. The school believes that ‘those who care win’ and that its vision is ‘to develop responsible citizens with realised potential’. This is its operating mantra and drives the daily operations and actions in working with the community.
Welfare and personal development: School nurse, Chaplain, Guidance officer, career counselling, Parent liaison officer, career information nights, Learning support, health services (dental visits, speech therapy, immunization clinic), Special needs facilities/resources/programs.
Special features: Indigenous student programs, International students.
School Information
- Type: Government
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: Year 7 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:46 Lanefield Road, Rosewood Qld 4340
- Phone:07 5461 9400
- Fax:07 5461 9446