Rosebank College is a Good Samaritan Catholic co-educational College
for students in Years 7 to 12. An independent school, Rosebank College was
founded in 1867 by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan within the Benedictine

Facilities: Central to Rosebank College’s development has been the
upgrading of facilities to continue to meet the learning needs of its students.

A building redevelopment program has been undertaken, which will
include the construction of a new Creative Arts & Performing Centre,
Learning Resource Centre and Senior Study Area, Hospitality facilities and a
new Administration Centre. The College has established a one-to-one e-learning
culture, with Year 7-11 students issued with customised, personal laptops. This
is supported with an e-learning curriculum framework and online learning
management system, REAL. All students currently have access to computer
centres, a Design and Technology Centre with wood and metal workshops,
multi-purpose hall, tennis and basketball courts, drama studio, food technology
room, textiles room, visual arts rooms, music centre, careers centre and the

Electives Years 7 to 10: Accelerated learning opportunities are
available for students studying the Italian language. Students benefit from
accelerated completion of the School Certificate and HSC language course, early
access to studying Italian at a university level, international cultural
exchange opportunities and senior student mentors. Students also have access to
EnrichED, the College’s Gifted and Talented program. It consists of the
InnovatED and InspirED modules designed to challenge, motivate and engage

The integrated learning program, named ConnectED, is conducted for
Year 7 students. The program integrates Geography, History and English.

Year 7 subjects: ConnectED, Religious Studies, Mathematics, Science,
Languages (Italian & French), Technology (Mandatory), PDHPE, Music, Visual
Arts, Drama.

Year 8 subjects: Religious Studies, English, Mathematics, Science,
Languages (Italian or French), Technology (Mandatory), PDHPE, Geography,
History, Music, Visual Arts.

Year 9 and 10 Electives: Commerce, Design & Technology, Drama,
Food Technology, French, Italian, Music, Photographic & Digital Media,
Textiles Technology, Visual Arts and Hospitality.

Electives Years 11 and 12: Senior students have the option of
attaining an ATAR, completing a VET program at school or at TAFE, completing a
school-based apprenticeship or any combination of these options. English and
Studies of Religion 1 or 2 are mandatory. A dedicated study tutor works with
students to help them develop good study habits, organisational and learning

Electives include: Ancient History, Biology, Business Services
(VET), Business Studies, Ceramics, Chemistry, Community & Family Studies,
Computing Applications, Design & Technology, Drama, Economics, English
(Standard, Advanced, Extension 1 and 2), Exploring Early Childhood, French Beginners, Fundamentals of English
(Year 11 only), Geography, History Extension, Hospitality (VET), Information
Processes & Technology, Information Technology (VET), Italian Beginners,
Legal Studies, Mathematics (General, Extension 1 and 2), Modern History, Music
1, Music 2 and Music Extension, PDHPE, Physics, Senior Science, Software Design
& Development, Sport Lifestyle & Recreation, Textiles, Visual Arts and
Work Studies.

Co-curricular program: The College’s co-curricular program offers
sporting and cultural options which include participation at a representative
and/or recreational level.  Each of these
activities are conducted by professional trainers, coaches or managers to
ensure a high level of skill development as well as an enjoyable and rewarding

Representative sport options for boys include: cricket, basketball,
soccer, rugby league, cross-country, rugby union, oztag, touch football,
volleyball, tennis, chess, athletics, swimming and baseball.

Recreational sport options include: Fitness First, Pilates, rowing,
self-defence/boxercise, Walking Sydney, yoga, cheerleading, Fitcamp, Futsal and
Hip Hop.

Cultural opportunities include art, chess, college band, choir, Duke
of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, RBC TV, jazz band, Musical, public speaking,
science club, street art, Theatre Sports, Tournament of Minds and woodwind

Welfare and personal development: Rosebank College is committed to
nurturing the growth of each individual student. This is facilitated by the
Pastoral Care Coordinator, Year Coordinators, Home Room teachers and supported
by the College Counsellors. Student leadership and self discipline are fostered
through leadership opportunities and peer mentoring. This is achieved through
the appointment of House and Service group leaders, the Peer Support program,
Student Representative Councils and student forums. Students attend Pastoral
Care sessions fortnightly which explore a multitude of issues facing teens in
today’s ever changing world, while promoting and encouraging responsibility,
resilience and the wellbeing of the individual.

School Information

  • Type: Independent
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational

  • Faith-based: Catholic
  • Year: Year 7 - Year 12
  • Day/Boarding: Day School
  • Enrolment: 750 students
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: No
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre: N/A
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
  • Fees: Less than 4k years 7 and 8 $ 2988; years 9 and 10 $3105; years 11 and 12 $3882 (fees are for 2011)
  • Address:1A Harris Road, Five Dock 2046
  • Phone:02 9713 3100
  • Fax:02 9712 3557
  • HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Ancient History , Biology , Business Services (VET) , Business Studies , Catholic Studies Chemistry , Chinese (Beginners and Continuers) , Community and Family Studies , Computing Applications, Dance, Design and Technology , Drama , Earth and Environmental Science , Economics , Engineering Studies , English (Standard, Advanced, ESL, Extension 1 and 2) Exploring Early Childhood , Food Technology , French Beginners, Fundamentals of English (Year 11 only) , Geography, History Extension , Hospitality (VET), Industrial Technology Information Processes and Technology , Information and Digital Technology (VET) , Investigating Science , Italian Beginners, Continuers and Extension , Legal Studies , Mathematics (Advanced, Standard 1 and 2, Extension 1 and 2) Modern History , Music (1, 2 and Music Extension) , PDHPE , Photography, Video and Digital Imaging , Physics , Society and Culture , Sports, Lifestyle and Recreation , Textiles and Design , Visual Arts
  • Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:Representative team sport, club sport, recreational sport, representative cultural activities, performing arts, Duke of Edinburgh

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