Facilities: Parade College has excellent facilities that include several purpose-built laboratories for science, information technology, music technology and creative arts, a resource centre with a virtual library accessible to all students at any time via the internet, recreational facilities encompassing vast grounds, sports ovals, and a new Bunjil Park sports facility and Fitness Centre. There is also a modern technology centre incorporating electronics, robotics, automotive and computer-aided drafting as well as the Edmund Rice Trade Training Centre which offers senior students training in building construction, electro technology, furnishings and bricklaying. Parade College also has a brand new commercial kitchen which is home to food technology and hospitality studies as well as a state-of-the-art theatre for assemblies, drama and musical productions.Curriculum: Students in Year 7 study a common program across the Key Learning Areas and students in Years 7 to 12 have an extensive range of academic subjects. Students in Years 8 and 9 have an extensive range of electives drawn from the Lower School Elective Curriculum. VCE units are available in Year 10 for advanced students. Students may select a program from the areas of VET in Year 10. This prepares students for apprenticeships as well as tertiary studies. VCAL is also available for students moving into Years 11 and 12. University Mathematics is available in VCE for advanced students. Students with special needs are identified in Year 7 and provided with support programs.
Sport: Students learn the fundamentals of physical education in the classroom and participate in a house-based competition. Sport activities include athletics, Australian Rules, badminton, canoeing, target shooting, cricket, sailing, hockey, netball, orienteering, sail boarding, sailing, soccer, surfing, swimming, tennis, volleyball and weightlifting. The college is a member of the Associated Catholic Colleges sports competition. Survival and leisure skills are developed through the extensive Outdoor Education program and year-level camps.
Extra-curricular activities: Parade encourages all students to attempt a wide range of extra-curricular activities such as cultural, sporting, outdoor and community programs. There is a big band, jazz group, junior band and other ensembles, a large-scale annual musical production providing opportunities for drama, music, sound and lighting as well as debating and public speaking.
Student welfare programs: When a student enters the college, he becomes a valued member of the college community and experiences the dignity of being a personally known, valued, respected and cared-for individual. Pastoral care is readily available through house tutors and house leaders, college chaplains, the college psychologist, student counsellors and advisers. There is an integrated program of Religious Education. Parade students are involved in a variety of community service and work experience programs.
School Information

- Type: Independent
Coeducational or single-sex:
Single-sex, Boys
- Faith-based: Catholic
- Year: Year 7 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 1800 on two campuses
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: Yes
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre: N/A
- After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
- Fees: 4k - 8k fees year 7 $5448; year 8 $5393; year 9 $5708; year 10 $5593; year 11 $5928; year 12 $5928
- Address:1436 Plenty Road, Bundoora 30838 Clifton Grove, Preston, 3072
- Phone:03 9468 3300
- Fax:03 9467 3937
- HSC/VCE Subjects offered:English / Literature x 2 Units English / Literature x 2 Units Religion & Society or Texts & Traditions x 1 Unit VCE and/or VET Units x 8 units VCE and/or VET Units x 10 units A total of five Unit 3 / 4 Subject sequences A total of thirteen Units in Year 11 Tenete program
- Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:cultural, sporting, outdoor and community programs. There is a big band, jazz group, junior band and other ensembles, a large-scale annual musical production providing opportunities for drama, music, sound and lighting as well as debating and public speaking.