Para Hills High School is a medium sized school and one of 10 state schools which collaborate to develop and deliver curriculum, VET certificates, and tertiary and employment pathways to meet the needs of students. Their students are diverse in interests, abilities, culturally and intended pathways.
Facilities: Music Technology suite with fast computers, electronic keyboards, custom made deks, and the relevant software to enable students to compose music; Science & Engineering laboratory; Technical Studies area to create a computer suite for CADCAM and 3D design work as well as electrotechnology and robotics; Canteen.
Electives Years 7 to 10: English, Maths, Science, Health and Physical Education, History, Technology, Arts, Technology, Japanese, Design and Technology.
Sport: Knockout and one-day competitions, Athletics.
Extracurricular activities: Annual Civics and Citizenship Tour to Canberra Annual whole school special assemblies for charities.
Welfare and personal development: Care Group program, Christian Pastoral Support Worker; Social Worker.
Special features: Disability Unit, Strong Visual Performing Arts program with Art, Design, Music, Dance, and Drama classes; Trade Training Centre funding