Ocean View College Birth to Year 12 is a coeducational, comprehensive state government site comprising of a Children’s Centre, Junior School, Middle School, Senior School and the “off-site” further education facility, Harbor View Campus, located in the heart of Port Adelaide.
Electives Years 8 to 9: English A, Mathematics, Humanities Science, Language B, Visual Arts, Dramatic Arts, Physical Education, Sailing, Music, Japanese, Woodwork, Metal Work, Food and Nutrition and a number of ICT courses.Instrumental Music, Choir, Clowning, Knock-Out Sport and Leadership in the Middle School (LIMS – leadership program).
Electives Years 10 to 12: SACE induction program, VET and Australian School Based Apprenticeships,
Welfare and personal development: SWAT teams (Students Working Actively Together), Service to the community and Student voice.
Special features: Sailing programs.