Established in 1954, Penshurst Marist provides an educational
climate that allows an effective pastoral atmosphere to flourish while a
positive self-discipline is encouraged. Being a Years 7 to 10 school, it offers
unique opportunities for the development of responsibility, self-confidence and
leadership in the important formative adolescent years. A special concern is
afforded to those students who find school difficult. At the end of Year 10,
students progress to Kogarah Marist for Years 11 and 12.
Facilities: Large modern library, latest PE equipment and physical
performance-monitoring apparatus, gym, computer laboratories, recreational and
sporting facilities.
Electives Years 7 to 10: Italian, History, Geography, Commerce,
Visual Arts, Music, Design and Technology, Wood Technics, Technical Drawing,
Computing Studies, Life Skills, Food Technology, Gym, Career Education.
Sport: There is inter-school competition in all sports plus indoor
cricket, lawn bowls and cycling.
Extracurricular activities: After-hours music and bands, debating,
public speaking, camps and retreats.
Welfare and personal development: A well-defined pastoral care and
discipline policy, peer support for Year 7. The SRC has an active role in
monitoring the wellbeing of students.
School Information

- Type: Catholic
Coeducational or single-sex:
Single-sex, Boys
- Faith-based: Catholic
- Year: Year 7 - Year 10
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 520 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre: N/A
- After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
- Fees:
- Address:65 Victoria Avenue, Mortdale 2223
- Phone:02 9579 6188
- Fax:02 9579 6668
- HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Creative and performing arts, Religious education, English, Mathematics, Technologies, Human Society and its environment, PDHPE, Languages, Vocational Education and training, STEM
- Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:Debating and public speaking, sport, Music, Performing arts, hospitality, Creative arts