The college motto, “Virtute ad Altissima” (“Through Virtue and Courage Strive for the Highest”), recognises that excellence lies in focusing on the development of the whole person; integrating spiritual, academic, cultural and sporting aspects of students’ lives. The school is conducted by the Marist Brothers.
Facilities: The college is located on an expansive and attractive 15-hectare site in Bulleen. Science, visual and performing arts, technology and sports are well catered for. The Champagnat Chapel offers a place for quiet prayer and liturgy.
Curriculum: Marcellin offers a comprehensive and progressive curriculum with an emphasis on engaging spirit, mind and body. Learning is designed to be real and purposeful with relevant application to everyday life. Co-operation, independence, reflection, inquiry and critical thinking are intrinsic features of learning. Electives include Languages (Indonesian, Mandarin Chinese and Italian), Visual and Performing Arts, Business, Science and Technology subjects. The college has a notebook program for Years 7 to 9.
Extra-curricular activities: The college offers a rich range of co-curricular opportunities in sport, debating, public speaking, music, drama and student leadership. Musical ensembles include string orchestras and quartets, concert bands, stage bands, brass and the symphonic orchestra. Marcellin College is one of nine schools that participate in the Associated Grammar Schools of Victoria sporting competitions and Victoria Schools Rugby Union.
Student welfare programs: Marcellin College strives to create a rich and diverse learning environment which focuses on developing the whole person. The college provides a comprehensive pastoral and transition program which supports boys as they enter and until the leave for the next stage of their lives. Marcellin values positive relationships and partnerships between the college, the home and the broader community.