Established in 1981, Macquarie Fields is a mixed-mode high school, catering for both selective and comprehensive students. The school has a strong tradition of academic success complemented by enthusiastic student participation in cultural and sporting activities. Academic achievement is celebrated and the school’s commitment to excellence in teaching and learning ensures that opportunities are available for a wide range of student abilities. Students are acknowledged for their achievements through many recognition schemes.
Facilities: Library, learning centre and senior study area, multi-purpose hall, four computer rooms, large covered shelter areas, agricultural plot, sporting fields. The school also has specialist facilities for practical subjects in technics, computing, visual arts, and home science, as well as two dedicated technology and research areas for online learning. The school is wireless networked and banks of computers with internet access are available for students to use in classrooms.
Electives Years 7 to 10: The Junior School offers an innovative curriculum including enrichment courses in Year 8, where students explore a wide range of electives to encourage critical and creative thinking. Some examples include Forensic Science, Lights, Camera, Action and Brain Teaser.
The range of elective courses offered include Visual Design, Drama, Music, Heroes and Villains, Commerce, Physical Activity and Sports Science, Agriculture, German, Japanese, Technics (Electronics/Metal/Wood), Information Software and Technology, Building and Construction, Food Technology, Graphics Technology, Psychology, and Work Education.
Electives Years 11 and 12: The school aims to provide the right mix of subjects to cater for those students requiring a high ATAR, as well as VET courses such as Industry Studies, including Hospitality and Information Technology. There are also English, Mathematics and Science courses, Ancient and Modern History, Geography, Society and Culture, Economics, Business Studies, Industrial Technology, Engineering Science, Information Processes and Technology, German, Japanese, Agriculture, Studies of Religion, PD/Health/PE, Visual Arts, Drama, and Music. Extension courses are offered in English, Mathematics and History.
Sport: Competitive volleyball, basketball, netball, hockey, soccer, Australian rules, indoor cricket, rugby league and union. Leisure options include jazz ballet and roller-skating.
Extracurricular activities: Debating, band, choir, chess, Interact Club, gardening club, SRC, captaincy team, yellow-ribbon campaign, peer support and other leadership opportunities including school improvement programs. Students also participate in a range of online projects and national competitions including English, mathematics, science, geography, and computing studies.
Welfare and personal development: The school’s welfare policy comprises a peer support program and student council, two deputy principals (one overseeing welfare), two head teachers’ welfare, a school counsellor, and Year advisers. Regular work experience is arranged for Years 9, 10 and 11.We emphasise the School to Work program as a means of supporting all students in their transition to the workforce.