Ivanhoe Grammar School is a multi-campus co-educational Anglican school with a long history of academic achievement and co-curricular opportunity. The school’s leading co-education program means that students enjoy the benefits of gender interaction while ensuring that individual needs are met. The curriculum is academically rigorous and challenging and the co-curricular program offers a range of activities and options to encompass all interests. The school provides outstanding facilities and buildings, dedicated and passionate teachers and advanced information technology infrastructure.
As a Round Square school, Ivanhoe is committed to the Round Square ethos of commitment to the whole student and the Round Square IDEALS of Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership and Service are woven through all aspects of school life. The emphasis on student wellbeing, underpinned by a positive psychology approach, means students feel valued, safe and confident with a supportive pastoral care system and a shared set of values. The students’ commitment to Ivanhoe Grammar School and their continued involvement even after they have finished their schooling shows that Ivanhoe remains a wonderful community to be a part of.
Facilities: Ivanhoe Grammar School constantly upgrades facilities and IT systems so students have access to the best resources possible. In the past few years it has proudly opened a new Middle Years Centre, new Locksley Creative and Performing Arts Centre, a primary Science and Performing Arts building, a refurbished secondary Science facility, a new school café, two new Food Technology Centres, an International Centre, a new primary library, a multi-purpose building and an upgrade of its sporting facilities. An innovative Senior Years Centre to be completed in 2015 at the Plenty Campus will provide additional classrooms, breakout and private study areas as well as specialist science laboratories for Primary, Middle and Senior Years. The school also has laptop and iPad programs, an in-house IT department, interactive learning facilities, e-learning program and a school intranet.
Curriculum: The curriculum at Ivanhoe Grammar School takes into account the different stages of students’ development and attitudes towards learning. At the primary level, students are provided with a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy, teaching through encouragement and inspiring a love of learning. Specialist subjects are offered in areas including Science, Physical Education, Japanese, Art, Music, Instrumental Programs, Public Speaking and Information Literacy. The Middle Years at Ivanhoe is an exciting, innovative and vibrant environment which aims to engage students, to foster an interest in learning and be accessible for students with different skills and interests, learning styles, levels of ability, cultural backgrounds and gender. The innovative Year 9 program includes an Urban Systems Adventure, La Trobe University program, artist-in-residence programs, a local journey and optional international journeys, and allows students to participate in inspiring out-of-classroom experiences designed to enhance their learning and help develop independent study skills. The three-year Senior Years program commences in Year 10 and enables students to prepare for the challenges of the VCE or International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program over three years rather than two. Following on from the Middle Years program, a focus on independent, self-directed learning in a co-educational environment helps prepare students for a successful transition to tertiary education and the workplace.
Internationalism: Ivanhoe Grammar School’s focus on internationalism is supported through its membership of the Round Square International Network of Schools and with subjects like Australian and Global Perspectives, which forms part of Year 10 Humanities gives students exposure to different cultures and world issues to help them develop a deeper understanding of their world. They are also involved with numerous service projects, locally and internationally, giving students encouragement and opportunity to get involved in actions that help others and to understand the value of giving to the community.
Co-curricular activities: Ivanhoe Grammar School is dedicated to offering more than just academic achievement. Also offered is Sport, Music, Performing and Visual Arts, Outdoor Education, Debating, Leadership Training, Cadets, Equestrian pursuits and much more.
Academic performance: Ivanhoe Grammar School has an open-entry policy, providing for a diverse student community. The academic results achieved are attributed to a curriculum where students are provided with the stimulus to enjoy learning and achievement is celebrated. The standard of VCE and IB results was once again high in 2014. Thirty-four per cent of students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above, placing them in the top 10 per cent of the state. In addition, nearly 60 per cent of students achieved an ATAR of 80 above, placing them in the top 20 per cent of the state. The Plenty Campus Dux received an ATAR of 97 and the Dux from The Ridgeway Campus received an ATAR of 99.85. Ivanhoe students achieved 20 perfect study scores across a range of VCE and IB subjects.
Student welfare programs: Ivanhoe Grammar School’s emphasis on wellbeing, which is underpinned by a positive psychology approach, means that students feel valued, safe and confident. Dedicated teachers, chaplains, school counsellors, career guidance and peer support together with transition programs ensure students are well supported and well cared for throughout their school life.
School Information

- Type: Independent
Coeducational or single-sex:
- Faith-based: Anglican
- Year: Pre-Kindergarten - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 1550 (Ivanhoe), 486 (Plenty)
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered: IBDP
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: Yes
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre: N/A
- After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
- Fees: 4k - 8k 8k - 12k 12k - 16k Over 16k Range per annum from $6,120pa (ELC) to $24,150pa (Year 12)
- Address:PO Box 91, Ivanhoe 3079
- Email:enrol@ivanhoe.com.au
- Phone:03 9490 3426
- Fax:03 9497 4060
- HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Please contact the school
- Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:Arts, cadets. debating, outdoor and adventure, service and sports
- Scholarships Available:General Excellence First Nations Scholarship