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School News

Inspirational Principals: Redlands

  Dr Peter Lennox, principal, Redlands What made you want to enter teaching? From a very early age I loved […]

Creating positive learners at Carey

  Instead of being taught finite facts, the Carey student discovers how to think, in order to adapt to a […]

Appreciating nature

There are many benefits for children when connecting with nature. Being surrounded by nature and natural items provides endless learning […]

Rural excellence

  The small town of Kilmore, 60km north of Melbourne, is home to a school as multicultural as they come. […]

Stepping out of comfort zones

  Mentone Girls’ Grammar School is an expert in girls’ education and the contemporary curriculum is designed to challenge girls […]

Melbourne Girls Grammar’s Artemis Centre

  Opening in 2017, the Artemis Centre will embody Melbourne Girls Grammar’s commitment to the wellbeing of its students and […]

Scientific thinking takes centre stage at Scotch

  Scotch College’s birthday – 6 October 1851 – the day the school opened its doors for the first time […]

A love of science

  John Monash Science School (JMSS) is Victoria’s first specialist senior secondary school focusing on science, mathematics and associated technologies. […]

Ruyton believes in girls

  Excitement over the Olympics was at fever pitch at Ruyton. In addition to the Junior School girls participating in […]

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