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School News

Phones Powered Off, Social Life Switched On

CGGS is a tech savvy school and has always used and will continue to use technology in the classroom. We […]

2022 NAIDOC Week at School

  NAIDOC Week at school celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. National NAIDOC […]

NSW to provide a year of free preschool for all families by 2030

  “This reform will deliver intergenerational results for our kids and our economy.” The NSW government is introducing a year […]

Governor-General Presents Barker College Redbacks with Robotics Award

  The Barker College Redbacks induction into the FIRST Hall of Fame, has been recognised and honoured by Their Excellencies, […]

Sports Uniform Launch at Barker College

  Sport at Barker College brings students together as a team – united in the wearing of the School colours […]

Barker College: PM’s Prize for Excellence

  Barker’s Head of Agriculture, Mr Scott Graham, has received the Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in […]

De La Salle College Year 11 VCAL Students ‘Shave Dave’

As part of the Year 11 and 12 VCAL Social Justice Project, Year 11 VCAL students at De La Salle […]

A Re-imagined Sports Program for De La Salle College, Malvern

De La Salle College recently launched a sports initiative which is the first stage of a longer-term strategic plan to […]

Meriden’s new Centre for Music and Drama declared open

Image: The Greenhalgh Centre for Music and Drama The Governor of NSW, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, […]

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