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School News

How does a gifted and talented education programme work in a mainstream primary school?

St Andrew’s Cathedral School delivers differentiated education programmes from Kindergarten for students identified as ‘gifted and talented’. But how does […]

What is the IB Bilingual Diploma?

  With multilingual education on the rise and new career opportunities emerging many students are considering the specialised ‘IB Bilingual […]

Getting involved with the community through school

Image Credit: De La Salle College, Victoria     Getting involved with the community through school can open up many […]

Top 5 life skills from Boarding Schools

  Students learn an array of invaluable life skills from boarding schools. Students gain independence and opportunities for personal growth […]

A guide to the VCE in Victoria

  Completing the VCE in Victoria can be overwhelming for families. Your child is studying towards their senior secondary certificate. […]

Digital Literacy in Australian Schools

  Digital Literacy in Australian Schools is important for students to navigate their education. Digital Literacy skills are also highly […]

All about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

  Many Australian Schools offer the opportunity for their students to undergo the internationally recognised Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. What […]

Success stories from all walks of life – The McDonald College

Did you know Emma Watkins, the former Yellow Wiggle is a graduate of The McDonald College? She is one of […]

What is Academic Care? | Barker College

Learning Matters At Barker, learning is our core business and we want our students to be deep and critical thinkers. […]

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