“De La Salle students graduate with wide-ranging STEM skills, enabling them to contribute to Australia’s future economic development,” says principal, […]
Ms Linda Douglas, principal “Play is the highest form of research,” said Professor Albert Einstein. As one of four children, […]
By Ms Linda Douglas, principal In 2014, actress Emma Watson made an impassioned speech to the United Nations to launch […]
By Ms Linda Douglas, principal We enjoyed a presentation at the end of last term from Mr Jake Plaskett, our […]
Roseville College history teacher and head of Outdoor Education, Ms Emily Shanahan, has completed a detailed study tour in Israel […]
The Newington College Science Superlabs were abuzz with activity when the college’s Year 11 International Baccalaureate students hosted their Year […]
With four regional wins on three continents, the Barker Redbacks is attracting a lot of attention globally, as the team […]
Specialist high schools teach the NSW Board of Studies core curriculum while also placing emphasis on a particular area […]
By Navya Kataria, Year 11 Talking to Syrian refugees who’ve just escaped certain death … playing a soccer game with […]