Xavier College: A New Approach to the Early and Middle Years Program

Xavier College has recently restructured its Early and Middle years experiences in a comprehensive realignment and recrafting of its overall College program.
Extending upon its co-educational Kindergarten for 3- and 4-year-olds, Xavier is moving to a 2-year staged model of educational delivery from Prep to Year 12. This will coincide with a comprehensive building program to enhance every aspect of each campus.
Our Junior School (P-6) program is now set at the magnificent Burke Hall Campus. Operating since the beginning of the 2024 school year, it has maintained an aligned and progressive curriculum journey for Prep to Year 2 (Stage 1 housed in its contemporary St Louis Building), through Years 3 and 4 (Stage 2) and into Years 5-6 (Stage 3) that also acts as a significant point of entry for many students and families. Our other key entry point of Year 7 is now accommodated in an exceptional, new state-of-the-art Year 7 & 8 learning precinct at the Senior School, which opened at the beginning of 2024.

As a school that enrols boys, Xavier is committed from the commencement of a boy’s education to developing respectful and aspirant learners. Our distinctive Jesuit character underscores these learning and life values, whereby our future graduates are formed with an intentional mindset to be authentic, spiritual, positive, inspiring, resilient and empathetic. These ASPIRE qualities are infused through each age and stage, where our educators deliver a holistic curriculum designed to encourage students to be curious, ask questions, make discoveries, collaborate, reflect and think independently.
There is a strong emphasis on action and preparing our students for a life of service, instilling in them a genuine commitment to serve others.
Opportunities are not limited to the traditional classroom setting. Primary students are engaged with our Integrated Expeditions and Outdoor Education program from an early stage, teaching them to engage the head, heart, and hands in meaningful ways and to transport classroom learning to the real world. In 2025, the APS Sports Program includes 18 different sports on offer for Years 5s & 6s. Such a diverse range of activities assists the students’ development of technique, skill level, game awareness, sportsmanship and encourage a lifelong love of sport. Our extensive visual and performing arts program builds confidence and performance skills in our students as well as broadening a young person’s social circle.

The study of Science, in specific use laboratories, allows students to develop curiosity in the natural world, the physical world, earth and space sciences and chemical sciences. Alongside content knowledge, the practical aspects of science are taught through investigations, experiments, testing and observations, aspects which are most at play in our purpose built Sports Science Centre. We also offer an age appropriate experiential and adventurous Digital Technology curriculum which promotes creativity and flexible thinking. One way we enable this is through the integrated study of Digital Technologies and innovation across all curriculum areas. By providing these integrated experiences, students have the opportunity to critically and creatively pursue a depth of learning that is dynamic and impactful.
Music continues to flourish at Xavier, a historic program where from Kindergarten students engage through a vibrant classroom music program, where the focus is “learning by doing”. Instrumental programs for students in Years 3, 4 and 5 allow each student an opportunity to experience being a musician, and this leads to involvement in the extensive instrumental, choral, classroom and ensemble programs.

At Xavier, we understand the crucial importance of a rich Primary education in laying the foundation
for the future of your child. We strive to ensure the Early Years experience is a joyous one for every child. From skills, passions and work ethic to self-image and finding their place in the community, the journey begins here.

Published by: XAVIER COLLEGE
Xavier College was founded in 1878 and is a Jesuit school. The Senior Campus stands on 40 acres, 6 kilometres […]
- Senior Campus: (03) 9854 5411 ; Burke Hall: (03) 9855 4100