Who let the kids out?

A pool is the greatest gift you could give your family this Christmas
Summer is coming and we all know what that means – school is out and kids are running the schedule: no more peace, no more quiet, no more midday cooking shows, or reruns of Selling Houses Australia, or café get-to-togethers with friends. You get out of the shower and you step on a mutilated plastic soldier; you step out of your front door, you trip over your child’s soccer ball, face-planting into a lavender bush, which incidentally causes a bee to sting you in the face. Your day is officially ruined.
So how do you keep the kids out from under your feet? You kick them outdoors. But it’s hot, you say, they’ll suffer, you say. Well, we say, it’s time for you to get a pool – not one of those blow up kiddie pools either, that was fine when they were two. You need a genuine swimming pool, not only for the potential benefits you may reap of keeping your kids out of your hair, but also for your own enjoyment.
You may be thinking that you can’t afford a pool or you don’t have enough space, or that it will take too much time and effort to install one of the biggest property investments you ever make, regardless of whether it offers you years and years of enjoyment. Your fears are simply unfounded.
“With the wide variety of fiberglass pools now available, it’s easy to find a size and shape that suits your backyard, your family and your budget,” says Latoya from Pool Installations Australia.
They come in all shapes and sizes – from large scale family pools with steps and seating all the way to smaller plunge and courtyard pools to fit into the tightest of spaces. While your kids are zipping down a slide or diving for gold, you could be relaxing, soaking up the sun or dipping your toes in the heated water.
Best yet, fiberglass pools are quick to install with Pool Installations Australia also offering professional services for fencing, decking, paving, plumbing, equipment troubleshooting and landscaping. All your needs are in one place, no extra labour involved.
And pools don’t need to be the death trap they are so often made out to be. Pool Installations Australia offers frameless glass self-closing and locking fences that are not only stylish but protect your children from wandering poolside. Not only that, all of their pools have a ledge 600mm below the surface, giving your kids something to hang on to as you help them learn to swim and build their confidence in the water.
So instead of wasting valuable family time and money planning day trips or paying for public pool visits, invest in your lifestyle and plan for a stress-less summer. Because pools aren’t only good for having dolphin races or playing Marco Polo; they are valuable tools for creating family time throughout all seasons, making your house a home.