New Scholarship Gives Young All-Rounders The Chance to Leap Ahead

Young girls who demonstrate academic ability and the potential to become future leaders by virtue of their aptitude in co-curricular areas such as music, sport or service are often called all-rounders.
MLC School is keen to assist them to fulfill their ambitions by fostering their growth and development. To this end, the school has introduced an all-rounder scholarship for girls to commence in Year 5.
The school believes that Year 5 is the time for girls to take a leap in terms of independence, responsibility and organisation – it is all about providing a platform for girls to step up to their full potential and become role models for the younger girls in the Junior school. This new scholarship provides more girls with the opportunity to access the School’s unique upper primary program to gain the confidence for a smooth transition to the Senior School.
Unlike so many other schools, Year 5 is the year of leadership at MLC School, it aims to fast-track the girls’ development so that Year 6 is focused on laying the important foundation stones for success in Year 7.
All students in Year 5 are allocated to a particular position of responsibility in the Junior School. As a consequence, their confidence in themselves and their learning blossoms, and they are ready to step forward into the next phase of their school lives.
Year 6 at MLC School is an immersive transition and readiness year focused on easing and preparing girls for Senior School. Wide ranging studies show there is often a decline in expected learning outcomes when students move into high school, such is the nature and impact of the change in routine and organisational skills required. Girls in Year 6 at MLC School move onto the Senior School campus and experience many of the activities associated with Senior School life, such as assemblies, Chapel, House events, clubs and committees, and lunchtime events; while still being cared for in smaller class settings with a single main teacher. As a consequence, the transition to high school for these girls is a natural progression and aims to ensure learning outcomes continue as expected.
Since its doors opened in 1886, MLC School has played an important role in revolutionising girls’ education in Australia, and its history bears all the hallmarks of the changes the school has led. In an early speech, one of the School’s visionary leaders, Rev Charles Stead, said that women were entitled to take their place: ‘as the co-equals of men, in every avenue of human activity’.
Challenging preconceptions of women’s roles and redefining expectations of what girls can and should achieve shapes the School’s educational philosophy today as much as it did in those early days, 135 years ago.
The school’s motto, Dare to be More, is not mere lip service, but a genuine attitude that continues to drive how the school approaches the teaching girls and young women. In turn, as each girl graduates, she is charged with taking forth that courageous attitude into the rest of her life.
If you would like to see your daughter step into her full potential at MLC School, the new Year 5 scholarship for all-rounders is now open for applications, with further details available here.
Published by: MLC School
MLC School’s mission is to educate young women to be fearless thinkers, with moral courage and compassion to be agents […]
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