JMS state-of-the-art virtual classroom

Broadcasting from a purpose-built studio on the campus of John Monash Science School, Emerging Sciences Victoria (ESV) makes it possible for Year 9 and 10 students in Victoria to access specialised STEM subjects through a virtual classroom.

Our state-of-the-art virtual classroom makes engaging, collaborative and inclusive learning available to all Year 9 and 10 students across Victoria- regardless of their geographic location or socio-economic situation.

Students collaborate online using shared documents and use video cameras and headsets to interact with classmates and teachers. ESV offers a number of different courses each semester, with new subjects and topics added regularly. Each course is delivered live through our virtual classroom. Our subjects have been designed, and are taught, by JMSS teachers and academics from Monash University. Allowing students the opportunity to engage with real life scientists, ask questions and get involved in lively discussions about cutting edge research.

Subjects include:
- Alternative Energies
- Nature and Beauty of Mathematics
- Medical Physics
- Bioinformatics
- Neuroscience
- Astrophysics
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Published by: John Monash Science School
Victoria’s first specialist senior secondary school for science, mathematics and associated technologies, JMSS was formed in 2010 as the result […]