Beyond the Classroom: Educational tour to China

China Immersion Tour 2024

As part of Marcellin College’s language program, students have the chance to travel and study in China and Italy. Recently, a group of 16 students participated in a 12-day immersion program in the People’s Republic of China. This tour offered numerous opportunities for students to practice their language skills while exploring notable landmarks such as the Great Wall, Forbidden City, the Terracotta Warriors and volunteering at the Chengdu Research Base to care for giant pandas.

By immersing themselves in China’s rich cultural and historical context, students were able to experience one of the world’s oldest civilisations and engage with its modern developments. This hands-on experience provided our students with a unique insight into China’s history and allowed students to practice their language skills. Such experiences deepen students’ understanding of international relations and enhance their cultural appreciation.

Marcellin College China Immersion Tour 2024

Additionally, navigating a different educational system and interacting with locals helps to improve the students’ adaptability and critical thinking. International travel not only enhances academic performance but also promotes independence and maturity. The memories from this tour are sure to last a lifetime. Our 2024 Languages Captain, Jack, has shared his reflections on the experience.

China Immersion Tour 2024

Hello, I am Jack the 2024 Languages Captain at Marcellin College. I was fortunate enough to join 15 other Chinese language students on an immersive 12-day trip to China. Our action-packed itinerary began in Beijing where we visited Tiananmen Square, the National Museum of China and the Forbidden City on the first day. It was very interesting learning about the history of the locations, especially the Forbidden City which was the home of the emperor and his concubines during the Ming and Qing dynasties in China. On the same day, we also explored the Beijing Hutong area; a collection of narrow streets and ancient buildings, primarily used for housing. This area had a very intimate feeling as the narrow streets contrasted the busy main roads whilst the buildings were lively and homely.

Marcellin College China Immersion Tour 2024

In the following days, we visited the University of Foreign Language where we got to practice our Chinese speaking and listening, the Summer Palace which boasted beautiful gardens and scenery, the Great Wall of China which was surreal to walk along and the Temple of Heaven where we learned about a few ancient Chinese belief systems. Of those activities though, walking along the Great Wall was definitely a highlight. We saw words engraved in the stones and felt thousands of years of history under our feet. We then made our way to our next city, Xi’an, via the bullet train. Here we saw many different sights including the Little and Big Wild Goose Pagodas, Xi’an Museum, the Banpo Museum and excavation site, Xi’an City Wall, the Bell Tower, Drum Tower and the Terracotta Warriors. The Terracotta Warriors were especially amazing since they were both incredibly intricate but also vast.

Marcellin College China Immersion Tour 2024

After Xi’an, we caught another bullet train to our final city, Chengdu. Here there were many more parks around and we visited one after arriving. However, it was very busy due to it being a public holiday on that day, marking the first day of a traditional Chinese festival. The main highlight of Chengdu was the day we helped to clean the pandas’ enclosures and prepare some bamboo for them. We were able to see the pandas up close and learn a bit about the conservation efforts of panda breeding programs.

Marcellin College China Immersion Tour 2024

In every city, we experienced a strong sense of welcome and hospitality. This was most noticeable when eating at restaurants since we were offered a large variety of dishes, all of which were delicious. I felt a strong sense of cultural immersion during my 12 days abroad and I felt my speaking and listening skills improve, especially in the many markets we visited. Lastly, I know myself and the other boys all strengthened and made new friendships and lifelong memories which I will certainly cherish forever.

To learn more about the many wonderful opportunities at Marcellin College, be sure to visit and book one of our morning tours to discover where your son’s education may lead him.



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