ASG helps families to manage the cost of education

There are many options available when it comes to saving for education. Selecting the right one can make a big difference in helping parents reach their goals, without plunging further into debt.
Taking a proactive approach to saving for education may lead you to consider an education savings plan.
Education savings plans offer a purpose-built fund dedicated to saving for education, allowing regular or ad-hoc contributions, and have been granted specific beneficial tax treatment under Australian taxation law.
As Australia’s largest provider of education savings plans, ASG is recognised as the specialists in education funds. ASG’s versatile funds are suitable for everyone, from the disciplined saver to those requiring a more structured approach for planning ahead.
ASG education funds can be used to save towards a variety of education goals, such as basic education costs, private schooling and post-secondary education.
Seeing your child make the best of their opportunities and shine is an amazing feeling for most parents.
This is exactly how ASG member, Eva Fox feels about her daughter Emily, after investing small amounts each week in an education fund for more than 12 years.
Was it difficult to put money aside? “Initially,” says Eva. “But I only put aside $20 a week, which I found quite manageable—later even as a sole parent. The amount rose slightly over the years, but over 12 years, it is a small amount for your child’s education.”
As a teacher, Eva recognises the importance and value of education. When she received the ASG brochure she said she knew it would be a sound investment.
“Putting aside small amounts of money every week became a normal part of how to budget—a skill I’m passing on to Emily,” Eva says. “The money I’ve received back from ASG has helped pay Emily’s school fees, and textbooks, school uniforms and shoes for my other children, too.
“I’m really proud that I did this 17 years ago because it gave me a head-start in ensuring that my children were well prepared for the new school year every time.”
With more than 40 years’ experience, ASG has supported more than 540,000 children and returned more than $2.8 billion payments to members and their families.
To discover an education fund that suits your needs, contact ASG on 131 ASG (131 274) or visit
ASG conducts the ASG Planning for Education Index annually, asking parents to estimate education costs, which cover preschool, primary and secondary schools in Australia. Cost estimates are based on 12,500 responses collected by ASG.
Please read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to consider which education fund product is right for you – available at or call 131 ASG (131 274).