A World of Words – The Magic of English at IGS

International Grammar School

Head of English at International Grammar School Susie Bolt reflects on the profound significance of studying English at IGS—how it shapes our understanding of the world, connects us across time and culture, and empowers students to think critically and creatively.

By Susie Bolt, Head of English

‘Human society, the world, and the whole of mankind is to be found in the alphabet.’ – Victor Hugo

English. A single word that encompasses so much. Back when I studied English at university, I was struck by the way it seemed to hold endless possibilities. I would proclaim to anyone who would listen that this was the best subject in the world because you get to study everything! Language, Literature, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Society, Culture, Politics, Art – the list goes on.

International Grammar School

And the same can be said of English at High School. The Australian Curriculum defines the study of English as: a study of literature, media, and language in which students critically and creatively engage with a variety of texts in all language modes. And of course, it is this – and so much more. From each of these words stems another set of words, each with their own suggestions, histories, questions, ideas, and concepts, and from here another set – and so on. English is a world of words and infinite meaning.

International Grammar School

At International Grammar School (IGS), we embrace this expansive view of English. Our students delve into poetry, film, prose, fiction, drama and a hybridity and innovation of all these forms. They explore how perspective, voice, identity, culture and context matter and their implications in the expression of ideas. They learn to critique and to create.

When students ask the important, critical and probing question of, ‘What is the point of [fill in the blank]?’ – we must consider an answer. We could consider that studying literature and its components helps us to understand and express truth, meaning and experience. It allows us to empathise and appreciate the worlds of others; worlds we could not otherwise reach. It allows us to connect and traverse through time and space. It allows us to find and hone our own voices to present perspectives, wield change or create art. Where would we be if we could not articulate, in the best way possible, what it is we seek to say? Where would we be if storytelling and narrative were no more? How would we understand and respond to our cultures, societies, ourselves, each other, anything… if it were not for language?

International Grammar School

At IGS, when students experience the visceral beauty of Seamus Heaney’s Ireland, or are taken inside the mind of a Shakespearean character in crisis – something opens, resonates, shifts. When students explore Deborah Mailman and Wesley Enoch’s plays and their hybridity of form, they see the ways that language can be used to control and oppress and also how it can be used to liberate, innovate, offer hope and connect to country and culture. When students are inspired by Julia Gillard’s speech announcing her truth to parliament and a nation, they see why language matters. They learn something about its danger and beauty. They come to understand the significance of the tools they hold at their fingertips.

International Grammar School

As Penelope Lively so nicely put it, ‘Language tethers us to the world; without it we spin like atoms.’ This is the business and magic of the study of English at IGS.

Discover More About IGS

At IGS, we foster a love for learning and a deep appreciation for the power of language. Our comprehensive English program is just one example of how we strive to provide a holistic and enriching education for our students.

2026 Enrolments
We are currently accepting applications for 2026 enrolments, with unique opportunities in Kindergarten, Primary School Years 1 to 5, and Year 11. If you are interested in learning more about our programs, we invite you to visit www.igssyd.nsw.edu.au. Here, you can find detailed information about our curriculum, extracurricular activities, and the application process.

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International Grammar School is a co-educational secular school offering quality teaching for pre-school, primary and high school students. The school’s […]

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