A place to grow, flourish and be nurtured

Xavier College’s new Kostka Precinct gives students access to incredible learning and community spaces.
A structure for Student Care ensures the Kostka Precinct is an early secondary school environment that puts care of the individual at the forefront of everything that Xavier College does. In the great tradition of Jesuit Education, Cura Personalis, care for the development of the whole person clearly drives Xavier’s College approach and pastoral structure.
When a student enters the college in Year 7, they are placed into one of two Neighbourhoods and assigned a Tutor Group within that Neighbourhood. The Tutor Group is much like a homeroom and is led by a Tutor teacher.
Immediately, each student is placed with two key adults, their Neighbourhood Leader and their Tutor, who work in collaboration to monitor and care for the growth of the whole person, not just their academic development.

Each Neighbourhood has their own space within the Kostka Building. This gives students a home at their school – a place where they can congregate with their fellow Neighbourhood friends, a place where they will have their lockers, a place where the majority of their classes will be and importantly, a place where their Neighbourhood Leader and Tutor’s offices are. Students will see their Tutor and Neighbourhood Leader each day. The timetable is constructed in such a way that time to gather in tutor groups and Neighbourhood communities is clearly scheduled.
The design and floorplan of the Kostka Building, the nature of the Neighbourhood spaces and the close proximity of the offices of key staff give staff great insight into students.
Much like the view from a Lifeguard Tower, the Neighbourhood Leader and Tutor quickly learn who is flourishing and who needs more support. As students transition into Year 8, they will remain in the same Neighbourhood under the care of the same Neighbourhood Leader. The Neighbourhood Leader continues with their students, holding their context and story as they journey through both Years 7 and 8 and towards Year 9.
Published by: XAVIER COLLEGE
Xavier College was founded in 1878 and is a Jesuit school. The Senior Campus stands on 40 acres, 6 kilometres […]
- Senior Campus: (03) 9854 5411 ; Burke Hall: (03) 9855 4100