Charlton Christian College strives to provide a Christ-focused education of excellence within a positive, creative, challenging and caring environment. The college supports a partnership between home and school in developing each student’s talents and abilities. “LIFE Cornerstones” of Love, Integrity, Faith and Empowerment are emphasised and incorporated through the curriculum. The college operates on a school-within-a-school model, comprising of a separate Junior, Middle and SeniorSchool.

Facilities: The campus is situated on 12 hectares of beautiful bushland beside Fassifern Railway Station. Charlton Christian College has technological and traditional library resources, computer labs, science lab, basketball court, sporting oval, food technology and D&T specialist technical rooms, music and art rooms and studio. The college has recently added a multipurpose auditorium, new administration building, additional science laboratories, a playing field and new JuniorSchool playground to its facilities.

Electives: Electives on offer at Charlton Christian College include Biology, Food Technology, Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Software Design, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce, Business Studies, Legal Studies, History, PD/Health/PE, French, Marine Studies, Desktop Publishing, Ancient History, Studies of Religion, Exercise and Sports Studies and Geography.

Sport: Athletics, cross-country, rugby, swimming and a variety of field sports are available, as well as inter-school sports gala days which include cricket, soccer, netball, touch football and oztag. Specialised sports electives are available from Years 9 to 12.

Extracurricular activities: Choir, bands, musical productions such as Joseph and Limelight, debating, chess, drama, gala days, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, sports teams, plus participation in various local and zone competitions and eisteddfods.

Welfare and personal development: Pastoral care is a vital component of Charlton Christian College, reflecting the school motto “Equipping for Life”. With head teacher and pastoral care teacher support, it is primarily about listening, guiding and caring. The school’s discipline system is a “welfare net” that aims to keep track of students in a proactive way. In addition to this, there is a camping program, a student leadership program, parenting programs and workshops for a wide range of special needs. Regular chapel services provide positive opportunities for celebrating faith and achievements. All students follow programs of Biblical study as a basis for Christian growth. The Christian perspective is integrated throughout the curriculum.

School Information

  • Type: Independent
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational

  • Faith-based: Christian
  • Year: -
  • Day/Boarding: Day School
  • Enrolment: 615 students (k to 12).
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A  
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: Yes
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre: N/A
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options: Own After School Care
  • Fees: Please contact the school
  • Address:43 Fassifern Road, Fassifern 2283
  • Phone:02 4959 9111
  • Fax:02 4959 9188
  • HSC/VCE Subjects offered:English, Math, Food Technology, legal studies, PDHPE, Physics, Society & Culture, visual design, Biology, Drama, Engineering studies, hospitality, VET
  • Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:Concert band, String Ensemble, Choir, Vocal Ensemble

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