Founded in 1926, Canberra Girls’ Grammar School (CGGS) is an
Independent Anglican School comprising a co-educational Early Learning Centre,
a Junior School (co-educational to Year 2, girls from Year 3), and a girls
Senior School and Boarding House for Years 7 to 12.
At CGGS, educating students is about providing a dynamic learning
environment where students are stimulated to achieve their potential in
whatever they set out to do.
The school prepares its students for further studies, leadership and
life by providing a challenging, enriching and supportive educational
experience, and fostering a passion for life-long learning. CGGS academic
achievements are consistently outstanding.
Facilities: CGGS is set on two beautiful campuses in Deakin, just
one kilometre from Parliament House and covering 10 hectares. Facilities
include an indoor heated pool, indoor gymnasiums, sports courts, playing field,
chapel, a 1000-seat hall, purpose-built buildings for the performing arts, ICT,
art, textiles, music and an Aquatic Centre on Lake Burley Griffin, which includes
a rowing shed and a function centre.
Boarding facilities: CGGS is the only girls’ boarding school in the
ACT and boarding is a significant part of the school’s heritage. The School’s
boarding house offers accommodation for 95 students and the boarders are a
diverse group of girls, with a large percentage coming from rural townships in
New South Wales, others whose parents are on overseas postings, and a small
number of international students.
Boarding should be a happy and fulfilling experience, and CGGS is
committed to providing a genuine “home-away-from-home” environment. The
Boarding House offers accommodation for three to four students per room from
Years 7 to 10, double accommodation in Year 11, and single rooms in Year 12.
Delicious, well-balanced meals are provided, with the students
contributing to the menu planning. There is free transport mid-term for
boarders who live in the Gundagai/Wagga/Griffith area and nominated stops in
Curriculum Years 7 to 10:
Year 7: Students in Year 7 study a broad range of subjects. The core
subjects of English, Geography, History, Mathematics, Physical
Education/Health, and Science are undertaken for the full year. The core
subjects of Drama, Introduction to Computing, Music, Religion and Philosophy,
Textiles and Design, and Visual Art and Design are undertaken for a semester
each. In addition, students choose two languages from French, Japanese and
Latin to study for a semester each.
Years 8 and 9: In Years 8 and 9, students study English, Geography,
History, Mathematics, Physical Education/Health, Religion and Philosophy, and
Science as core subjects. Students choose an additional two subjects from Art
(Visual Art, Design & Technology), Computer Applications, Dance, Drama,
French, Japanese, Latin, Music, and Textiles and Design. Year 9 students may
also choose from Asian Studies, Beginning German, Commerce, Independent
Learning Program and Sports Studies. Students make their choices for Year 8 in
consultation with parents and teachers during the second half of Year 7.
To assist with the choice of electives, a booklet containing
synopses of all the courses available
in Years 8–10 is supplied to each student. In addition, an Information Evening
is held for parents and counselling is available to students before the
elective subject selection is due. All subjects in Years 8 and 9 are of one
year’s duration.
Year 10: English, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education/Health,
and Religion and Philosophy remain core subjects in Year 10. At these levels
Mathematics and Science are streamed. At the end of Year 10, students have the
opportunity to choose one more elective, with parental consent.
Each elective subject is normally studied for two consecutive years
in Years 9 and 10; however, in the second half of Year 9, students may elect to
change one elective subject for Year 10.
Curriculum Years 11 and 12:
The most significant choice of subjects is made in the latter half
of Year 10, for entry into the ACT senior secondary college system of education
which caters for students in Years 11 and 12. This is a system of school-based
curriculum and assessment governed by the policies and procedures of the Board
of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS). Students are assessed continuously
throughout Years 11 and 12. All assessment completed during the two years
counts towards the final ACT Year 12 Certificate.
Students generally study five subjects in both years. English is
compulsory in Years 11 and 12, while Mathematics is compulsory in Year 11 only.
Students may choose to study either an accredited or a tertiary package of
subjects. A tertiary package is for students interested in entry to university
at the end of Year 12, while an accredited package is for students interested
in direct entry to the workforce from school and/or studying at CIT/TAFE.
Students who complete a tertiary package and who qualify for an
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) receive a Tertiary Entrance Statement
in addition to their ACT Year 12 Certificate. It contains information that may
be used when applying to tertiary institutions. A requirement of completing a
tertiary package is sitting for the ACT Scaling Test (AST) in Year 12.
Note: CGGS is an International Baccalaureate World authorised to offer the 1B program.
Extracurricular activities: Competition sporting activities, music,
drama, debating and public speaking, Amnesty International, Burrawi — school
magazine, chess club, dance, Double Helix club, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Scheme, Tournament of Minds, exchanges for students of foreign languages,
photography, science club, Mock Trial and Mooting, Scripture Union in Schools
(SUIS) and Safe School Committee.
Pastoral care: Pastoral care is an important element of the school
and students work in a caring and supportive environment. Each student belongs
to a house and participate in house activities. The tutor group system provides
a structured personal development program at each year level. School
Counsellors are available to attend to student concerns and needs. Work
experience and career guidance is available.
Special features: Before- and after-school care and a holiday
program are available in the Early Learning Centre (ELC). An
out-of-school-hours care and a holiday program are also offered to Preparatory
to Year 6 students in the Junior School. Afternoon tea, sport, craft, computer
and other games, and play activities are available each afternoon under the
supervision of the program coordinator and a team of assistants.
School Information
- Type: Independent
Coeducational or single-sex:
girls, co-educational to year 2
- Faith-based: Anglican
- Year: Year 1 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day and Boarding
- Enrolment: 1500 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered: PYP MYP IBDP
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: Yes
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre: Own Preschool
- After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
- Fees: please consult the school
- Address:Senior School campus: Melbourne Avenue, Deakin 2600 Junior School and Early Learning campus: Grey Street, Deakin 2600
- Phone:61 2 6202 6400 / 61 2 6202 6411
- Fax:61 2 6273 2554 / 61 2 6273 2554
- Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:Amnesty International, Ceramics, Creative Writing Group, Environmental Group, eSports, Indigenous Focus Group NEXUS Club, School Newspaper, Tech Crew