The College is a Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 day school situated in a delightful rural setting about six kilometres south of Campbelltown. The school is committed to providing a quality education in a dynamic Christian environment, so that the students may be given every opportunity to develop their potential. St Peter’s Anglican Primary School is one of the major feeder schools to Year 7. It is governed by the Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council.
Facilities: The College is extensively equipped in all areas of the curriculum. It has extensive modern facilities including a huge information resource centre (library) incorporating e-learning. There is also a separate senior campus with university-style lecture rooms featuring data projectors, a function centre, a cafeteria, a hospitality training complex (incorporating a commercial kitchen), a specialist drama studio, music rooms, multiple IT centres, internet access, science laboratories, sports ovals, tennis, basketball and netball courts, and a fitness centre.
Electives Years 7 and 8: The College follows a basic core of subjects as required by the NSW Board of Studies.
Electives Years 9 and 10: Child Studies, Commerce, Information and Software Technology, Drama, Food Technology, German, Music, Photographic and Digital Media, Physical Activity, Textiles Technology, International Software Applications, International Studies, Robotics and Sports Studies.
Electives Years 11 and 12: Standard, Advanced and Extension English, General, 2-Unit and Extension 1 and 2 Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Ancient History, Modern History, Business Studies, Economics, Legal Studies, Visual Arts, German Continuers, Drama, Engineering Studies, Design and Technology, Community and Family Studies, Hospitality, Hospitality Extension, Software Design and Development Technology, Information Processes and Technology, Information Technology, PD/Health/PE. The following TAFE courses are also offered.
Sport: The College offers a wide range of sports, including basketball, tennis, horse-riding, softball, hockey, rugby league, volleyball, rugby union, touch football, dancing, soccer, golf, walking, cricket, swimming, aerobics, weights, martial arts, tenpin bowling, athletics, cross- country and school sports.
Extracurricular activities: The College offers the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, interest clubs such as RAGE, science, choir, band, interschool debating, drama, camps, exchange student programs and a peer support program.
Welfare and personal development: Broughton College is committed to providing a comprehensive education to cater for all levels of ability and interest. It acknowledges that the prime responsibility for the education of children lies with their parents and so supports those parents looking for an education based on a Christian philosophy of life. Religious education is compulsory. Preferred discipline includes lunchtime and after-school detention, but close liaison is maintained with parents, and effort and positive behaviour are publicly acknowledged.
Special features: Accelerated progression is provided to students of merit. The college has close links with the University of Western Sydney in joint projects. Resource teachers provide individualised programs for gifted students, for those with learning difficulties, and for career preparation. The average class is 25 in the Junior years. Smaller classes run in the senior years. At least 80 per cent of students continue to Year 12 and then most attend university, TAFE or private-provider training.