Balmoral State High School was established in 1958 and is situated on ten hectares in Morningside, approximately six kilometres from the Brisbane city centre. The school is well serviced by bus and rail transport. The school boasts an enthusiastic and caring staff of teachers, support personnel and education-related professionals to support and guide students to grow socially and emotionally, and experience academic success.
Facilities: Specialist science laboratories (refurbished in 2010), Industrial design technology facilities, Five eLearning laboratories, eLearning one2one laptop program (released to all Year 10, 11 and 12 students from 2011), Wireless school coverage, Air-conditioned Performing Arts theatrette, two fully-equipped kitchens, textiles learning zone, tennis, volleyball and basketball courts, ovals, assembly hall, Resource Centre, School Tuckshop.
Subjects Years 7 to 10: English, mathematics and science and history are compulsory subjects.
Subjects/Electives Years 11 and 12: In the senior school, students must study a minimum of six subjects. This must include a Maths and an English subject. Students have three pathways to choose from in their senior years of schooling: An OP pathway – students must study a minimum of five authority subjects. Three of these must remain the same for the whole two years. A RANK pathway – students must choose a minimum of one vocational education and training (VET) certificate and can only choose one authority registered subject and up to four authority subjects. A VET pathway – students must choose a minimum of two certificate-two qualifications, or be undertaking a school based apprenticeship or traineeship. Four other subjects must be studied which can be a combination of authority or authority registered subjects.
Sport: The Balmoral State High School Touch Excellence Program provides students with the opportunity to develop skills to compete at a representative or elite level of touch football. It is open to all students entering Year 7, 8 or 9 in 2015 (including those not yet playing Touch Football), who have a high level of sporting ability. These students will get to work with teachers, Touch Football coaches and players, and gain many useful skills in tactics, game play, coaching and development.
Extracurricular activities: Balmoral State High School offers students the opportunity to be involved in a positive and exciting Instrumental Music Program as an extension to their academic studies. The Balmoral High School also offers a Boeing Enterprise Team – a successful and sustainable model of a school/industry partnership. The team completes actual workplace tasks for Boeing Defence Australia Limited, and is mentored by senior Boeing staff. This initiative is designed to provide real life business management experiences within a challenging team environment. Working for a real business on real projects has promoted meaningful and exciting learning outcomes for students.
Special features: Gifted and talented programs include: Boeing enterprise team, Science and engineering challenge, Common thread, Rock Da house, Austouch and Soccer, the award-winning International Program which provides education and cultural experience to students from all over the world.