Auburn High School provides a modern teaching and learning environment that promotes curiosity and cooperation to create thinking and aspiring young people. This environment is responsive and creative, where knowledge and understanding lead to creativity, cooperation, work, connectedness to the world and adaptability.
Facilities: Students enjoy outstanding modern facilities. Classrooms are spacious, flexible learning spaces and are equipped with the latest technology. Large windows overlooking extensive grounds allow students to work in natural light. Specialist rooms are purpose-built and include a modern Science Discovery Centre, 120-seat lecture theatre for presentations and performances, two indoor gymnasiums, two large ovals, drama studio, language centre, library, Arts and Design Education Centre and a spacious VCE Study Centre.
Curriculum: Auburn High School has an international focus with a commitment to partnerships and experiences to create global citizens. It offers several specialist programs as well as a rich general curriculum for all students.
Rigorous and innovative core programs include a strong academic program for all students in Years 7 to 12, accredited Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) program in Years 7 to 9, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program, Advanced Chinese and French Languages, accredited Binational French program, a strong Arts and Technology program and an extensive Sports program.
The school’s SEAL program is one of only three accredited SEAL programs in the area. Students benefit from an enhanced curriculum that provides extended work in all areas with an emphasis on problem solving. Students in the program complete Years 7 to 10 in three years instead of four. They may then be able to choose to do a three-year enriched and extended VCE program and a university enhancement subject in Year 12, equivalent to a first-year university subject.
It is the only Victorian government high school to offer a bi-national French program for students who meet the entry criteria. All students in Years 7 to 9 study French or Chinese as an additional language and have the option to study Spanish from Year 8.
The school has won internationally recognised language awards in both Chinese and French. These programs offer a modern approach to language teaching, including the AIM Method, that is integrated with technology to create interactive, dynamic learning.
The school’s approach to VCE is designed to assist students to access the tertiary course of their choice. Students are asked to choose VCE studies that have identified pathways to tertiary courses. They are supported in this important decision-making process with a full-time Careers and Pathways Coordinator. At Auburn High School, staff help students to consider where their future interest lies and then assist them to choose VCE subjects most likely to take them there.
Sport: A multi-purpose indoor sporting complex gives students access to quality sport education and lunchtime/after-school activities and training. House and inter-school sports are offered.
Extra-curricular activities: There is an emphasis on building leadership skills and a connected school community. The Student Leadership program encourages student voice and is based on a vertical House system. There are leadership opportunities for students at all age levels, including House Captains at Junior, Middle and Senior levels for all four Houses.
Student leadership programs play a valuable role in teaching young people about team building, decision making, leadership and responsibility — and the students bring valuable insights and experiences to the school community. House activities also build connections between students across the school and different year levels.
There is an extensive extra-curricular program including lunchtime clubs and sporting teams. These include History Club, public speaking, chess, robotics, fencing, Futsal and Book Club.
Student welfare programs: Parents/guardians are an essential part of the student–school–home triangle for successful learning. Staff aim to keep parents and guardians up to date with what is happening at the school in various ways — the Compass parent portal, Facebook page, website and newsletter. The parent portal, Compass, enables you to see your child’s attendance and progress, to communicate with teachers and see the units of work being undertaken. Your child will have a Tutor Group(home room) teacher who will see them daily.
The Wellbeing Team, comprising the Wellbeing Coordinator, School Chaplain and adolescent health nurse, is available to students and facilitates a range of specifically targeted programs. New students are supported with a comprehensive transition program to ensure that they feel happy and confident and there is a Peer Support program at Year 7, facilitated by specially trained Year 10 students.
All students in Years 7 to 10 take part in a weekly personal learning subject, Essentials for Life (E4L), that explicitly teaches organisational and study skills, as well as taking a proactive approach to positive psychology and mindfulness, metacognition, respectful relationships with others and online safety.
School Information
- Type: Independent
Coeducational or single-sex:
- Faith-based: None
- Year: Year 7 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre: N/A
- After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
- Fees: Free (Government School)