The school provides a quality education to southwest Sydney from
Prep (the year before school) to Year 12. WCCS is committed to transforming
lives by the proclamation of the gospel and the delivery of an affordable
Christian education. The School’s family fee structure makes it possible to
have all your children at the one school.
Facilities: The school is set on 17 hectares with manicured gardens
and a growing number of modern buildings air-conditioned throughout all of
Primary and now into High school. Ten computer labs across faculties catering
for different class sizes, three libraries, multimedia English computer lab,
multi-purpose exam hall, graphics technology room, food tech lab, fully
equipped commercial kitchen, textiles lab, two timber workshops, a metal
workshop, New Trade Training Centre, five fully equipped science laboratories,
three music labs, one speciality dance classroom, two dedicated drama rooms,
three visual art labs, one digital photography lab, a ceramics workshop,
auditorium (seats 1000, also used for sport), two sports ovals, three tennis
courts, cricket practice nets, two volleyball courts, three basketball courts.
There is wheelchair access (including one lift) to most buildings.
Electives Years 9 to 10: Commerce, Food Technology, Graphics
Technology, Industrial Technology (Timber), Information and Software
Technology, Italian, Music, Visual Design, Design and Technology, Drama, Industrial
Technology (Metal), Physical & Sport Studies, Textiles Technology and
Visual Design.
Electives Years 11 and 12: English (Standard, Advanced, Extension 1
and extension 2), Mathematics (General, Standard, Extension 1 and Extension 2),
PD/Health/PE, Information Processes and
Technology, Hospitality, Legal Studies, Photography, Sport, Lifestyle and
Recreation, Senior Science, Software Design and Development, Drama, Biology,
Music, Earth and Environmental Science, Economics, Construction, Chemistry, Visual
Arts, Design and Technology, Physics, Business Studies, Food Technology,
Ancient History, Geography, Textiles and Design, Modern History, Industrial
Technology and Entertainment, Metal Technics.
Sport: Competitive — (CSSA) swimming, athletics, cross-country, Gala
Days.(MISA) softball, volleyball, basketball, touch football, soccer, netball,
hockey, rugby league, super 8s cricket (MISA). Leisure — aerobics, indoor
cricket, gymnastics, dance, soccer, basketball, netball, oztag, softball,
volleyball, tennis, slide hockey, Aussie rules, table tennis, wrestling,
acrobatics, martial arts, boxercise, NSW netball coaching and aerobics.
Extracurricular activities: Band, choir, musical tuition, Duke of
Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. Performing arts is strong at the school, with major
productions staged biennially. Debating, mock trials, musicals, crusaders are
Welfare and personal development: Full-time nurse, counsellors, year
advisers, career advisers, psychologist, MATES programs between senior students
and primary children, strong Senior Leadership Council (SLC) and involvement in
its sponsored school in Lesotho.
Special features: An education support unit oversees students with
special needs. There are gifted and talented classes from Years 3 to 10. The fee
structure covers the cost of all textbooks, exercise books, and excursions, as
well as sporting and camp fees. Academic scholarships are available on
application for entry into Year 7 and Year 11.
School Information
- Type: Independent
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: Year 1 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 1480 students prep to year 12 (690 high school students)
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: 4k - 8k annual tuition fee per family $6,240. facility development levy per student $300. trust fund rate per family $340. enrolment bond $750, plus $250 per each additional child (paid once only). senior students’ fee (years 11 and 12) $600 extra per student, high school service fee $800.
- Address:Bumbera Street, Prestons 2170
- Phone:02 9608 2277
- Fax:02 9608 2681