Facilities: Include performing arts centre, gymnasium, music centre, arts/technology wing, information technology centre, comprehensive library, study room and conference facilities for VCE, athletics track and pavilion. Stage 2 of the School Master Plan was completed in 2011 with new hospitality, gymnasium, ICT facilities and major landscaping. From 2012, the college implemented that all senior school students receive a free netbook for academic purposes.
Curriculum: The curriculum is based on the eight Key Learning Areas with a broad range of VCE programs including the provision of pathways to further education and employment, such as VCAL. The college offers a substantial number of programs in the Visual and Performing Arts areas. Music and Indonesian are core elements of the Years 7 and 8 programs. Year 9 students are given the opportunity to select from a broad range of electives in the Arts and Technology, SOSE and Enterprise Education. The school also has the Victorian Youth Development Program in Surf Lifesaving. Year 10 students study a core content of English, Mathematics and Science together with electives from each of the other Key Learning Areas. There is access to VCE subjects for Year 10 students. A new personal learning program has been implemented at Year 9 which includes access to an individual iPad for each student.
Sport: An extensive inter-house and inter-school sport program runs throughout the college with sports education being a required part of the Years 7 and 8 course of study.
Extra-curricular activities: Instrumental music, college band and ensembles including the renowned Taiko drum program, Human-Powered Vehicle, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, college production and concerts, year-level and leadership camps and tours, class excursions, debutante ball, student leadership council, debating and peer support.
Student welfare programs: The emphasis is on shared responsibilities of teachers, parents and students to provide an environment that maximises each student’s success and achievement of full potential. The school runs a pastoral program (Footprints) at middle-school level where pastoral teachers follow their group through the Year 7 to 9 levels. The college also has a chaplaincy program and the Defence Force counsellor as part of the Welfare Team. The use of sub-school leadership teams and pastoral care teachers, together with a number of community agencies, provides strong support within the welfare program.