The Jannali High School is a comprehensive co-educational high school in the Sutherland Shire. Our experienced and dedicated staff provides a high quality education for students of all abilities. Jannali High students have a tradition of fine academic achievements. Most students achieve HSC success and continue to university or further tertiary training. Many have represented the school in sport, debating, public speaking and have also been part of our musicals, a cappella ensemble and orchestras. Its graduates are confident, caring, focused, mature young men and women with positive attitudes. They have a good sense of community, citizenship and ecological responsibility, as well as an understanding of and respect for other cultures and peoples.
The school enjoys a reputation for a relaxed atmosphere with a positive focus on learning. Students learn in a safe, supportive environment and develop self-discipline, motivation, teamwork, self-confidence and responsibility. The school has effective discipline, uniform and attendance policies that reinforce high expectations of each student. The school ethos is centred on values including: striving for success and excellence; respect for the rights of others; taking responsibility for one’s own actions; care for others in the school and the wider community; active participation in school life and co-operation with others; acting with integrity.
Facilities: There are specialist blocks for the creative, technological and applied arts with the latest equipment, a fully computerised library, four computing laboratories, an Applied Learning Centre with video-conferencing facilities, a well-equipped gymnasium, a rebound outdoor sports surface and an auditorium.
Electives Years 9 and 10: Drama, Food Technology, Japanese, Multi Media, Industrial Technology (Timber, Electronics and Metal), Visual Arts, Physical Activity and Sports Studies, Information and Software Technology, Cultural Understanding, Marine and Aquaculture Studies, Textiles, Music, World History and Work Education.
Electives Years 11 and 12: All English and Mathematics courses, Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Ceramics, Chemistry, Community & Family Studies, Construction, Design & Technology, Engineering Studies, Drama, Food Technology, Geography, Hospitality, Industrial Technology (Timber), Information Process & Technology, Legal Studies, Marine Studies, Modern History, Music, PD/Health/PE, Photography, Physics, Senior Science, Society & Culture, Software Design & Development, Textiles & Design and Visual Arts.
Sport: Competitive — netball, hockey, rugby league, rugby union, soccer, water polo, basketball, softball. Leisure — tennis, cycling, squash, bowling, beach fitness, surf fitness, aerobics, canoeing, volleyball, golf, yoga.
Extracurricular activities: Debating, performing arts, orchestra, public speaking, annual large-scale musical production, vocal ensemble. Regular excursions, including school camps, extend the classroom programs.
Welfare and personal development: An active SRC and peer support program operate. There is a student adviser for each Year and a supervisor for boys and girls. Work experience is arranged for Year 10 students, who also attend careers classes. The school runs the Rock & Water Program extensively. The Learning Support Team provides outstanding support for the learning of all students.
Special features: The Jannali High School has strong links with its community, parents, local primary schools and TAFE campuses. The school is a proud member of the Heart of the Shire Community of Schools, a group of schools working together to provide the best possible education for all students. Contact the school to arrange a tour of the facilities.