Established in 1911, Sydney Technical High School has a special focus on developing greater independence in learning through higher order thinking skills. The school is committed to producing students who will be successful at university; there are strong links with the University of New South Wales, Sydney University and the University of Technology, Sydney. The school is highly regarded for gifted education programs that cater for the needs of individual students. The school seeks to develop in each student self-confidence and self-discipline, social responsibility, mutual respect and academic excellence.
Facilities: Large, comprehensive library, auditorium, science laboratories, five computer rooms, internet access from 200 sites, seven technics and drawing rooms, photography facilities, drama studio, music laboratories, careers reference centres, gymnasium, volleyball and basketball courts.
Electives Years 9 and 10: French, German, Japanese, Commerce, World History, Design and Technology, Information Software and Technology, Graphics Technology, Industrial Technology, Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Human Movement.
Electives Years 11 and 12: The full range of academically oriented NSW Board courses including Extension 2 English and Mathematics are offered as well as Photography, Information Technology (VET), Psychology and Studies of Religion.
Sport: Competitive — cricket, baseball, rugby league, soccer, hockey, softball, water polo, golf, tennis, basketball. Leisure — karate, fitness, touch football.
Co-curricular activities: Concert band, stage band, beginners’ band, public speaking, debating, drama, school newspaper, chess club, ISCF, Interact, SRC.
Welfare and personal development: Peer support program, student council, leadership programs and prefects. There is a school counsellor, head teacher welfare and a careers adviser on staff, and the school has a School to Work careers program. A strong merit system and a pro-active behaviour program operates. A high level of parent involvement is encouraged.