Sunbury Downs College is a college with traditional values based on respect, participation and excellence. It is a small and caring college providing individualised attention for each student. It is a proud college with well-presented and behaved students, demonstrating courtesy and manners. The college has high expectations and standards (examinations at all year levels), a pastoral care and student welfare program and a “firm but fair” discipline policy. The college recognises and encourages student endeavour and achievement in a range of study areas, sports, the arts and citizenship. Families are welcome to visit the college for a tour of the facilities.
Facilities: The college is set in a quiet location with modern facilities. It has well-equipped modern classrooms, four computer rooms, library with computers and a fully serviced gymnasium. A new Flexible Learning Centre has recently been completed. This facility is a centre for excellence and transformative learning and is primarily a junior college precinct.
Curriculum: Sunbury Downs College is an academic college with a wide range of programs for all ability levels. There is a strong emphasis on the core subjects of Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities. The college also offers Arts, Music, Physical Education/Health, LOTE (Italian) and Smart Technologies — eg Information and Communication — Electro and Automotive Technologies. A wide range of VCE subjects is available. There are extension programs and remedial support is available to allow students to reach their full potential.
Sport: A wide range of inter-school sporting opportunities is available to students.
Extra-curricular activities: There are many extra-curricular activities available at Sunbury Downs College. Among these are camps, student leadership opportunities, college band, college choir, college production and debating.
Student welfare programs: TThe college offers an Accelerated Curriculum & Enrichment (ACE) program beginning in Year 7. This program caters for the special educational needs of high-ability students. It enables students to cover course work at a faster pace, providing a more challenging learning environment.
Scholarships: Are available for academic excellence, sporting excellence, citizenship/leadership and music at Year 7 entry and continue through to Year 12.