St Paul’s is dedicated to equipping its students to become people of
discernment who value the Christian faith, and behave with integrity and
excellence in all of life.

St Paul’s is the first school in NSW to offer the International
Baccalaureate (IB) from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12, in conjunction with NSW
Board courses.

Facilities: 450 computers in laboratories or as laptops, modern and
well-equipped library, large multi-purpose indoor centre that can seat up to
2000 people for special occasions and provide for a wide range of indoor
sports, performing arts block, incorporating specialist room for music, dance
and drama, music technology lab, recording studio and conservatorium tutorial
rooms, specialist classrooms for art, multimedia technology lab. Industrial,
food technology and science labs are complemented with the school farm,
extensive outdoor playing fields, and tennis, basketball and netball courts.
All classrooms are air-conditioned for student comfort.

Electives Years 7 to 10: Agriculture, Chinese, Christian Living,
Commerce, Computing Studies, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, Food
Technology, French, Geography, History, Information Software and Technology,
Latin, Music, Technics (Wood), Textiles and Design, Visual Arts. Religious
Education is compulsory.

Higher School Certificate program: Agriculture, Ancient History,
Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Christian Studies, Dance, Design and
Technology, Drama, Earth and Environmental Science, Economics, English, Food
Technology, Geography, Industrial Technology (Automotive), Information
Processes and Technology, Languages (Chinese, French, Spanish), Legal Studies,
Mathematics, Modern History, Music, PD/Health/PE, Physics, Software Design and
Development, Sport Lifestyle and Recreation, Studies of Religion, Textiles and
Design, VET Hospitality, Visual Arts. There is also a large range of VET courses
available off-site.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma: Biology, Business and
Management, Chemistry, Computing Science, Design Technology, Economics, Eco
Systems and Societies, English, Geography, History, Languages (Chinese, French,
Spanish), Mathematics, Music, Physics, Psychology, Theatre Arts, Theory of
Knowledge, VisArts, CAS (Creativity/Action/Service).

Sport: Students do recreational and competitive sport during school
hours or interschool Saturday competitive sport (ISA). Sports offered include
athletics, basketball (girls and boys), cricket, hockey, indoor soccer,
netball, rowing, rugby union, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, touch
football, volleyball, water polo and whitewater sports.

Extracurricular activities: The school has a high standard in
performance and music, with annual school musicals, regular drama productions,
a string ensemble, concert bands, a jazz band, a wind orchestra, Senior and
Junior Secondary choirs and vocal groups, a percussion group and other bands.
Junior School productions include verse speaking, bands, choirs and drama.
Other voluntary activities include chess, debating, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Scheme, a rural fire cadet brigade with its own fire station and tanker, weekly
Christian fellowship groups, and Bible study groups. All Years from Year 3 to
Year 11 participate in an annual school camp.

Welfare and personal development: Student welfare has a high
priority. There is a full-time careers adviser to give individualised advice
and to provide liaison with employers and tertiary institutions. There is also
a full-time professionally qualified personal counsellor. A school pastor deals
with specifically spiritual needs. A full-time gifted education co-ordinator is
responsible for the acceleration and provision of programs for the more
academically able students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. There are also
full-time learning support teachers for students with learning difficulties in
both the junior school and the high school. Individual programs, the implementation
of special provisions, and peer reading give valuable assistance to students
with specific needs. House and tutor-group structures provide for ongoing care
of students.

Special features: The school offers the choice between the
International Baccalaureate (IB) and the HSC in Years 11 and 12. This diploma
gives a broad curriculum with a global perspective and develops learning skills
required for university, providing entrance to universities around the world.

The final IB result is automatically converted to an ATAR score by
the NSW University Admissions Centre. The ATAR conversions from IB grades
typically are advantageous for students. All universities in Australia and most
overseas universities give recognition to the academic rigour associated with
the IB. St Paul’s is currently the largest IB school in NSW, offering the IB
from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. There are international links with Asia, and
Chinese language is taught to all students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 7.
Latin and French are also compulsory in Year 7. Students in Year 7 are taught
in core classes with the same teacher for the main subjects. In 2009, 10
students achieved ATARs over 99 with the Dux achieving 99.95.

School Information

  • Type: Independent
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational

  • Faith-based: Christian
  • Year: Kindergarten - Year 12
  • Day/Boarding: Day School
  • Enrolment: 1200 students (700 secondary students, 500 junior students)
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: No
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options:
  • Fees: 4k - 8k 2010 $6960 (kindergarten to year 2), $7800 (years 3 and 4), $7900 (years 5 and 6), $10,360 (year 7), $10,880 (year 8), $11,060 (years 9 and 10), $11,800 (years 11 and 12). pre-kindergarten is $42 per day. fees are paid by direct debit in monthly instalments. there are significant discounts available for siblings. a range of scholarships and means-tested bursaries are available.
  • Address:52 Taylor Road, Cranebrook 2749 Postal address: Locked Bag 16, Penrith 2751
  • Phone:02 4777 4888
  • Fax:02 4777 4841

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