Chifley College Senior Campus is a comprehensive high school, operating within the Chifley College group of schools — Dunheved Campus, Mt Druitt Campus, Shalvey Campus, and Bidwill Campus. The college is situated between Mt Druitt TAFE and Rooty Hill RSL on North Parade. All students are welcome to seek enrolment.
Facilities: All facilities are new and modern, providing students with opportunities to learn with the most recent technology and educational facilities. These include a fully equipped gym, computer rooms, a dance/drama studio, a darkroom (photography), an industrial workshop, library internet access, a cafeteria, a hospitality kitchen, and a large multi-purpose indoor sports complex.
Curriculum: The Senior Campus offers a unique seven-line, four- to five-period day. This provides students with a very flexible timetable structure that allows for pathway options. All SVET and TVET courses are offered along with a very broad range of NSW Board-developed and content-endorsed courses. Students with learning difficulties are encouraged to access appropriate life skills courses with options also to mainstream career-based courses. A strong support unit is fully integrated and inclusive to the campus.
Extracurricular activities: Debating, drama/performing arts, choir, band and environmental club.
Welfare and personal development: The school’s welfare program has a strong focus on student development, leadership and self-discipline. There is an active SRC and students are encouraged to participate in school decision-making.
Special features: The Senior Campus is widely recognised for its innovative approach to dealing with adult-learning styles and setting high expectations for success and achievement. Student recognition assemblies and presentations feature strongly on the school’s calendar. The senior campus is committed to and strongly supports student participation in work placements, performing arts festivals and Rock Eisteddfods, drama festivals, sports knockouts, mentoring, and HSC excellence programs. The Senior campus also has a strong welfare program, which provides students with access to interagency networks.