Opened in 1955, Punchbowl Boys is situated in a quiet suburban location. The school caters for a wide curriculum for boys from Years 7 to 12, as well as offering limited adult classes in English and computing.
Facilities: Modernised library, three specialist computer rooms, two video-conferencing rooms, brand new language centre, state-of-the-art science laboratories, careers room, retail room, specialist technology rooms, independent learning centre, drama rooms, multi-purpose assembly hall, floodlit oval, basketball, handball courts and aerobic and weights gym and multimedia room.
Electives: In the Junior School, a broad range of curriculum options is available in all Key Learning Areas, with a strong emphasis on the development of literacy skills. Elective subjects include Arabic, Commerce, Visual Arts, Woodwork, Computing, Metalwork, Music and Physical Education.
In the Senior School curriculum, options are expanded to offer a range of subjects in Languages, Technology and Applied Studies, History, Music, Visual Arts, Social Science, and Vocational Education, as well as Mathematics, Science and English including subjects such as Arabic, Business Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Design and Technology, Industrial Technology, Legal Studies, Modern History, Music, PD/H/PE, Physics, Senior Science, Visual Arts, Construction (VET), Hospitality (VET), Retail (VET) Information Technology (VET) and Metals and Engineering (VET).
Sport: The school has a strong tradition of sporting excellence. A comprehensive range of inter-school and recreational sports is available including a targeted sports program. In addition, there is a strong morning and afternoon fitness program.
Special features: Strong student welfare and student management programs focus on the recognition of student achievement and the development of self-discipline in a safe, respectful and responsible environment. Partnerships with parents and community members contribute to the governance and development of the school. An active school council, supportive local business people and parents all work closely with the school. Extensive use of the school by community groups is encouraged. Church groups, sporting teams, ethnic language schools, and youth groups use the facilities.
Famous ex-students: Geoff Thompson, Len Pascoe, Steven Folkes, Professor David Richmond, Bruce Rayment QC, Angelo Gavrialdes and Vince Sorrenti.