Penshurst Girls’ places a high priority on meeting the intellectual
and social needs of developing adolescents and strongly encourages parental
participation. There is a diverse curriculum with a strong emphasis on
technology with ample time allowed in subjects within all Key Learning Areas.
The school has established a special programs for talented students. Students
have preferential enrolment into the Oatley Senior High Campus of Georges River
College for Years 11 and 12.
Facilities: Large modern library with CD-ROM network, assembly hall,
tennis, netball and handball courts, table tennis facilities, computer rooms,
technological and applied studies workshops, fitness laboratory, performing
arts centre.
Electives Years 7 to 10: Art, Computer Studies, Commerce, Dance,
Design Technology, Drama, Food Technology, Music, Sports Science, Textiles,
Multi Media Studies, Italian, Japanese, Digital Photography.
Sport: The school competes in weekly grade sport in its local zone.
Students play softball, netball, cricket, soccer, touch football, basketball
and table tennis. It consistently wins state titles in women’s table tennis.
It also offers recreational sports, fitness activities and surfing. The school
provides opportunities for gifted sportswomen.
Extracurricular activities: School band, Eisteddfods, music and
dance festivals, drama, debating, public speaking, musical, year camps, poetry
writing club, social justice group and garden design projects.
Welfare and personal development: Two ESL teachers assist girls from
non-English-speaking backgrounds and a learning support teacher assists those
needing additional help. The school adolescent welfare programs are based on
resilience and responsibility. Peer support operates for Year 7 and there is a collaboratively developed discipline policy and
behaviour code. The school has an active P&C and school council whose aim
is to inform all parents of issues affecting the school. The Parents’ &
Citizens’ Association supports the school uniform code.
Special features: The school has received a Director General’s Award
for exceptional quality and outstanding levels of achievement in public
education, the Director General’s Award for Technology (2007) and is a school
of excellence in the comprehensive education for girls. The school has extended
hours of operation in the library and a homework centre.
School Information
- Type: Government
- Coeducational or single-sex: Single-sex, Girls
- Faith-based: None
- Year: Year 7 - Year 10
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 700 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:2 Austral Street, Penshurst 2222
- Phone:02 9580 3141
- Fax:02 9580 6373