Facilities: The school has been purpose designed as a student-centred adult learning environment for highly academic students. The iconic 21st-century building is high tech and ICT rich, consisting of a mix of open-plan flexible learning spaces and specialist facilities. Students are housed in Learning Communities that link to the pastoral and house structures within the school. The facility features six dedicated specialist science labs, a 240-seat lecture theatre, performing arts and music complex, and a double-storey information resource centre. The school also hosts a regional professional development centre that accommodates up to 100 teachers. Located on the grounds of Monash University in Berwick, the school has a strong partnership with Monash University — sharing resources and programs.
Curriculum: In addition to comprehensive VEL and VCE programs, the Nossal High School curriculum is framed by Howard Gardiner’s Five Minds for the Future (2008) and the OECD’s Learning for Tomorrow approach. The Core program is enhanced by an elective and interdisciplinary program and a developing co-curricular program including leadership, community service, music and performing and creative arts, sport and recreation. Camps and excursions are an integral part of the curriculum. Students at Nossal High School experience an accelerated and enhanced curriculum appropriate to their individual needs and interests, enabling them to work at their own pace and to access VCE and university enhancement studies. Two languages are currently offered (French and Japanese); students also take other languages
through VSL.
Sport: A strong sport program — both within the timetable and extra-curricula — is emerging as the school grows. The school is an active participant in district and zone sporting competitions achieving significant success. The sport programs are responsive to student interest and many will be student organised and led.
Student welfare programs: Nossal students are placed into pastoral groups with a mentor teacher who meets with them daily and for regular “tutor group” sessions during the week. Older students induct and support each new intake and a strong and active student leadership team has significant input into the running of the school and support structures and programs. Longer term mentoring and community programs will be offered through Monash University students and staff, and within the local and broader community.
Enrolment: Enrolments are capped at 208 per year level (a maximum school total of 832 in Years 9 to 12). Year 8 students from government and non-government schools may apply to sit the entry exam in June. Entry is competitive and is based on academic capability. The same entry exam and processes apply to all four Government Selective schools. Exam applications are completed online between February and May at: The website contains all relevant enrolment and exam information and has links to the individual school websites. Any limited vacancies at year levels other than Year 9 will be advertised through the school website.
School Information
- Type: Government Selective
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: Year 9 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day and Boarding
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School) approximately $2000 (includes camp and set excursions)
- Address:Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard, Monash University100 Clyde Road, Berwick 3806 Postal: PO Box 1036, Narre Warren 3805
- Phone:03 8762 4600