Marsden High School aims to foster personal success, confidence and
fulfilment through quality performance and participation within the school
Facilities: 160 computers networked to the Internet, library and
specialised information technology labs, music and drama rooms (with individual
tutorial rooms available), commercial kitchen, two ovals, undercover sporting
facilities, assembly hall. As of 2010 students from Years 9 to12 will
progressively be given a laptop for personal use (Federal Government program).
Electives Years 9 to 10: Chinese, Commerce, Computing Studies,
Drama, Food Technology, Industrial Technology: Engineering, Graphics, Leather,
Metal and Wood, Japanese, Korean, Music, Photography and Digital Imaging,
Physical Activity and Sport Studies, Textile Technology, Visual Arts, Visual
Design, Work Education and VET Construction.
Electives Years 11 and 12: Ancient and Modern History, Biology,
Business Studies, Chemistry, Chinese, Community and Family Studies, Exploring
Early Childhood, Design & Technology, Drama, Earth and Environmental
Studies, Economics, Engineering Studies, Food Technology, Geography, Industrial
Technology: Timber Products and Furniture Industries, Information Processes
& Technology, Japanese, Korean, Legal Studies, Marine Studies, Mathematics,
Music, PD/Health/PE, Photographic, Video and Digital Imaging, Physics, Senior
Science, Society & Culture, Software Design and Development, Sport
Lifestyle and Recreation, Studies of Religion, Textiles Technology, Visual
Arts, Visual Design and Work Studies plus vocational courses in Building and
Construction, Hospitality and Retail. In addition, approximately 60
TAFE-delivered courses are offered in conjunction with Meadowbank, Hornsby and
Ryde TAFEs.
Sport: An integrated sports program provides students with skills in
areas such as aerobics, basketball, cricket, golf, netball, rugby union and
league, soccer, tennis, swimming, water polo, softball, volleyball, table
tennis and hockey. Teams enter state-wide knockout competitions in a variety of
sports and Marsden has representation in state sporting teams.
Extracurricular activities: Band/ensembles, music lessons, debating,
chess club, choir, drama, dance, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, Tournament
of Minds, performing arts nights, Premier’s Reading Challenge, Mock Trial,
public speaking, annual visual arts and photographic night, Ryde Schools
Spectacular, NSW Schools Spectacular, Bushcare, ASX Sharemarket Game, Year
camps and SRC.
Welfare and personal development: Student and teacher teams operate
in Year 7 to ensure that students have a smooth transition to high school. An
empowered SRC encourages student leadership through a well-organised prefect
system. Peer support leadership training is provided for Year 10 students along
with peer mediation. Marsden offers a comprehensive career education program
which includes one lesson per fortnight for every Year 10 student, fortnightly
meetings for all Year 12 students, work experience for Years 10 to11, Volunteer
Week, TAFE courses, first-year university lectures and tuition by Macquarie
University students, School To Work Planning, vocational testing and parent
Special features: Extension programs are offered in all Key Learning
Areas by staff trained in gifted and talented education. Students experience
success in state-wide competitions in English, Maths, Science, Commerce,
Geography and Visual Arts. The average class size is 20. Marsden Intensive
English Centre, located in the school grounds, provides intensive English
lessons to newly arrived migrants.
School Information
- Type: Government
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: -
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 800 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:Winbourne Street, West Ryde 2114
- Phone:02 9874 6544
- Fax:02 9858 1716