Maroondah Secondary College offers a caring environment and delivers a quality education to all students, with VCE results consistently higher than the state average. Uniform is compulsory and the college insists upon high standards of behaviour and respect for staff and students. The local community is largely mono-cultural of Anglo-Celtic background. The school has, therefore, made a significant effort to internationalise its programs, establishing an English language centre on campus and attracting and enrolling a sizeable number of students from non-English origin, predominantly from Asian countries.
Facilities: The college is situated in a quiet, attractive location with well-maintained classrooms and grounds. Facilities include a shared college and community theatre and gymnasium complex, an extensive outdoor covered area, outdoor basketball and tennis courts, ovals, well-resourced drama and music centres as well as extensive computer facilities.
Curriculum: A core curriculum in Years 7 and 8 is structured around the eight Key Learning Areas. At the Middle School, in addition to a core curriculum, students are able to choose an extensive range of elective subjects in order to prepare for senior studies, to develop a specific interest or to work intensively on an area of weakness. Advanced studies are available to talented students. At the Middle School, because of its long-standing association with the Victorian Police, the school offers students an opportunity to integrate participation in the Victorian Police Youth Corps with their other studies. A very broad range of VCE studies is offered to senior students. Mature-age students are encouraged to enrol and all students have access to Dual Accreditation and certificate programs with TAFE as well as some first-year university studies.
Extra-curricular activities: Students are able to participate in camps, excursions, interstate tours, a wide range of sports, instrumental music tuition and concert bands, annual musical production, environmental group, Student Representative Council and college council sub-committees.
Student welfare programs: An extensive transition and pastoral care program including peer support, peer mediation and supportive friends foster positive peer relations. Cross-age tutoring is available to junior students with learning difficulties. Comprehensive course counselling and vocational guidance programs are also provided. Student achievement is high, which is a cause of great pride and reflects upon the disciplined yet caring and supportive environment at the college.