Set in attractive, shady grounds, Lake Illawarra High is a comprehensive high school that was established in 1974. The large student population encompasses more than 30 different nationalities and the school attempts to cater for all their needs.
Facilities: COLA, a range of specialist classrooms, four computer laboratories, a drama room, a gymnasium, darkrooms, a library and resource centre, video rooms, tennis/handball courts, sports fields, and a large agriculture facility.
Electives Years 9 and 10: A diverse range of more than 20 electives including three languages, Fitness and Recreation, Media Studies, Computing Studies, Creative Fashions, Agriculture, and a range of Visual Arts and Technology subjects.
Electives Years 11 and 12: A comprehensive range of courses including the major sciences, Mathematics to 4-Unit level, Business and Legal Studies, Aboriginal Studies, Modern and Ancient History, Geography, Design and Technology, PD/Health/PE, Food Technology, Visual Arts, French, and Italian. Hospitality, Building Construction and Furniture are also offered, with students receiving industry recognition and TAFE accreditation on completion of these courses. A range of TAFE courses and alternative HSC study courses are offered in Years 11 and 12.
Sport: The school is renowned for its students’ sporting prowess and a wide range of sports is available. In addition to competitive sports, leisure sports include cycling and aerobics.
Extracurricular activities: Computer club, various musical groups, musical.
Welfare and personal development: A dynamic student council participates in school management. There is a study skills program for all students. Year 11 students attend a work placement program and a full-time careers adviser is on staff. Strategies for girls to improve the skills and ambitions of female students are incorporated in the welfare network.
Special features: Lake Illawarra is gaining recognition for its broad curriculum and its community and work studies programs. Each year a number of students gain traineeships and cadetships with major companies.